Module livechat.reports.api.v33

Reports API module with client class in version 3.3.

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''' Reports API module with client class in version 3.3. '''

from typing import Union

import httpx

from livechat.utils.helpers import prepare_payload
from livechat.utils.http_client import HttpClient
from livechat.utils.structures import AccessToken

class ReportsApiV33(HttpClient):
    ''' Reports API client class in version 3.3. '''
    def __init__(self,
                 token: Union[AccessToken, str],
                 base_url: str,
                 http2: bool,
                 verify: bool = True,
                 disable_logging: bool = False,
                 timeout: float = httpx.Timeout(15)):
        super().__init__(token, base_url, http2, proxies, verify,
                         disable_logging, timeout)
        self.api_url = f'https://{base_url}/v3.3/reports'

    # Chats

    def agents_chatting_duration(self,
                                 date_to: str = None,
                                 date_from: str = None,
                                 agents: str = None,
                                 groups: str = None,
                                 tags: str = None,
                                 customer_client_ids: str = None,
                                 distribution: str = None,
                                 timezone: str = None,
                                 tagged: bool = None,
                                 payload: dict = None,
                                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Shows the average chatting duration of agents within a license.

            date_to (str): Date in the RFC3339 format, which also contains a timezone.
                      This timezone will be used if no `timezone` is provided.
            date_from (str): Date in the RFC3339 format, which also contains a timezone.
                              This timezone will be used if no `timezone` is provided.
            agents (str): Agent emails separated by a comma.
                          If not specified, returns the data for all agents within the license.
            groups (str): Group IDs separated by a comma.
            tags (str): Names of tags separated by a comma.
            customer_client_ids (str): Client IDs separated by a comma.
            distribution (str): Possible values: `hour`, `day-hours`, `day`, `month`; defaults to `day`.
            timezone (str): Timezone in the TZ format (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                            Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                            If not present, `from` is parsed to get the requester's timezone.
            tagged (bool): Possible values: `true`, `1`, `false`, `0`
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            if date_from is not None:
                payload['from'] = date_from
            if date_to is not None:
                payload['to'] = date_to
        return self.session.get(

    def tags(self,
             distribution: str = None,
             timezone: str = None,
             filters: dict = None,
             payload: dict = None,
             headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Shows the distribution of tags for chats.

            distribution (str): Allowed values: `hour`, `day`, `day-hours`, `month` or `year`. Defaults to `day`.
            timezone (str): IANA Time Zone (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                            Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                            When the requester's timezone isn't present, then `filters.from` is parsed to get the timezone.
            filters (dict): If none provided, your report will span the last seven days.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/chats/tags',

    def total_chats(self,
                    distribution: str = None,
                    timezone: str = None,
                    filters: dict = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Shows how many chats occurred during the specified period.

            distribution (str): Allowed values: `hour`, `day`, `day-hours`, `month` or `year`. Defaults to `day`.
            timezone (str): IANA Time Zone (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                            Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                            When the requester's timezone isn't present, then `filters.from` is parsed to get the timezone.
            filters (dict): If none provided, your report will span the last seven days.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/chats/total_chats',


class ReportsApiV33 (token: Union[livechat.utils.structures.AccessToken, str], base_url: str, http2: bool, proxies=None, verify: bool = True, disable_logging: bool = False, timeout: float = Timeout(timeout=15))

Reports API client class in version 3.3.

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class ReportsApiV33(HttpClient):
    ''' Reports API client class in version 3.3. '''
    def __init__(self,
                 token: Union[AccessToken, str],
                 base_url: str,
                 http2: bool,
                 verify: bool = True,
                 disable_logging: bool = False,
                 timeout: float = httpx.Timeout(15)):
        super().__init__(token, base_url, http2, proxies, verify,
                         disable_logging, timeout)
        self.api_url = f'https://{base_url}/v3.3/reports'

    # Chats

    def agents_chatting_duration(self,
                                 date_to: str = None,
                                 date_from: str = None,
                                 agents: str = None,
                                 groups: str = None,
                                 tags: str = None,
                                 customer_client_ids: str = None,
                                 distribution: str = None,
                                 timezone: str = None,
                                 tagged: bool = None,
                                 payload: dict = None,
                                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Shows the average chatting duration of agents within a license.

            date_to (str): Date in the RFC3339 format, which also contains a timezone.
                      This timezone will be used if no `timezone` is provided.
            date_from (str): Date in the RFC3339 format, which also contains a timezone.
                              This timezone will be used if no `timezone` is provided.
            agents (str): Agent emails separated by a comma.
                          If not specified, returns the data for all agents within the license.
            groups (str): Group IDs separated by a comma.
            tags (str): Names of tags separated by a comma.
            customer_client_ids (str): Client IDs separated by a comma.
            distribution (str): Possible values: `hour`, `day-hours`, `day`, `month`; defaults to `day`.
            timezone (str): Timezone in the TZ format (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                            Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                            If not present, `from` is parsed to get the requester's timezone.
            tagged (bool): Possible values: `true`, `1`, `false`, `0`
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            if date_from is not None:
                payload['from'] = date_from
            if date_to is not None:
                payload['to'] = date_to
        return self.session.get(

    def tags(self,
             distribution: str = None,
             timezone: str = None,
             filters: dict = None,
             payload: dict = None,
             headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Shows the distribution of tags for chats.

            distribution (str): Allowed values: `hour`, `day`, `day-hours`, `month` or `year`. Defaults to `day`.
            timezone (str): IANA Time Zone (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                            Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                            When the requester's timezone isn't present, then `filters.from` is parsed to get the timezone.
            filters (dict): If none provided, your report will span the last seven days.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/chats/tags',

    def total_chats(self,
                    distribution: str = None,
                    timezone: str = None,
                    filters: dict = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Shows how many chats occurred during the specified period.

            distribution (str): Allowed values: `hour`, `day`, `day-hours`, `month` or `year`. Defaults to `day`.
            timezone (str): IANA Time Zone (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                            Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                            When the requester's timezone isn't present, then `filters.from` is parsed to get the timezone.
            filters (dict): If none provided, your report will span the last seven days.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/chats/total_chats',


  • livechat.utils.http_client.HttpClient


def agents_chatting_duration(self, date_to: str = None, date_from: str = None, agents: str = None, groups: str = None, tags: str = None, customer_client_ids: str = None, distribution: str = None, timezone: str = None, tagged: bool = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Shows the average chatting duration of agents within a license.


date_to : str
Date in the RFC3339 format, which also contains a timezone. This timezone will be used if no timezone is provided.
date_from : str
Date in the RFC3339 format, which also contains a timezone. This timezone will be used if no timezone is provided.
agents : str
Agent emails separated by a comma. If not specified, returns the data for all agents within the license.
groups : str
Group IDs separated by a comma.
tags : str
Names of tags separated by a comma.
customer_client_ids : str
Client IDs separated by a comma.
distribution : str
Possible values: hour, day-hours, day, month; defaults to day.
timezone : str
Timezone in the TZ format (e.g. America/Phoenix). Defaults to the requester's timezone. If not present, from is parsed to get the requester's timezone.
tagged : bool
Possible values: true, 1, false, 0
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
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def agents_chatting_duration(self,
                             date_to: str = None,
                             date_from: str = None,
                             agents: str = None,
                             groups: str = None,
                             tags: str = None,
                             customer_client_ids: str = None,
                             distribution: str = None,
                             timezone: str = None,
                             tagged: bool = None,
                             payload: dict = None,
                             headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Shows the average chatting duration of agents within a license.

        date_to (str): Date in the RFC3339 format, which also contains a timezone.
                  This timezone will be used if no `timezone` is provided.
        date_from (str): Date in the RFC3339 format, which also contains a timezone.
                          This timezone will be used if no `timezone` is provided.
        agents (str): Agent emails separated by a comma.
                      If not specified, returns the data for all agents within the license.
        groups (str): Group IDs separated by a comma.
        tags (str): Names of tags separated by a comma.
        customer_client_ids (str): Client IDs separated by a comma.
        distribution (str): Possible values: `hour`, `day-hours`, `day`, `month`; defaults to `day`.
        timezone (str): Timezone in the TZ format (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                        Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                        If not present, `from` is parsed to get the requester's timezone.
        tagged (bool): Possible values: `true`, `1`, `false`, `0`
        payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
        headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                        They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                        however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

        httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                        which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        if date_from is not None:
            payload['from'] = date_from
        if date_to is not None:
            payload['to'] = date_to
    return self.session.get(
def tags(self, distribution: str = None, timezone: str = None, filters: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Shows the distribution of tags for chats.


distribution : str
Allowed values: hour, day, day-hours, month or year. Defaults to day.
timezone : str
IANA Time Zone (e.g. America/Phoenix). Defaults to the requester's timezone. When the requester's timezone isn't present, then filters.from is parsed to get the timezone.
filters : dict
If none provided, your report will span the last seven days.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
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def tags(self,
         distribution: str = None,
         timezone: str = None,
         filters: dict = None,
         payload: dict = None,
         headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Shows the distribution of tags for chats.

        distribution (str): Allowed values: `hour`, `day`, `day-hours`, `month` or `year`. Defaults to `day`.
        timezone (str): IANA Time Zone (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                        Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                        When the requester's timezone isn't present, then `filters.from` is parsed to get the timezone.
        filters (dict): If none provided, your report will span the last seven days.
        payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
        headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                        They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                        however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

        httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/chats/tags',
def total_chats(self, distribution: str = None, timezone: str = None, filters: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Shows how many chats occurred during the specified period.


distribution : str
Allowed values: hour, day, day-hours, month or year. Defaults to day.
timezone : str
IANA Time Zone (e.g. America/Phoenix). Defaults to the requester's timezone. When the requester's timezone isn't present, then filters.from is parsed to get the timezone.
filters : dict
If none provided, your report will span the last seven days.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
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def total_chats(self,
                distribution: str = None,
                timezone: str = None,
                filters: dict = None,
                payload: dict = None,
                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Shows how many chats occurred during the specified period.

        distribution (str): Allowed values: `hour`, `day`, `day-hours`, `month` or `year`. Defaults to `day`.
        timezone (str): IANA Time Zone (e.g. America/Phoenix).
                        Defaults to the requester's timezone.
                        When the requester's timezone isn't present, then `filters.from` is parsed to get the timezone.
        filters (dict): If none provided, your report will span the last seven days.
        payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
        headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                        They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                        however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

        httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server's response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/chats/total_chats',