Module livechat.customer.web.base

Customer Web client implementation.

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''' Customer Web client implementation. '''

# pylint: disable=W0613,R0913,W0622,C0103
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Union

import httpx

from livechat.config import CONFIG
from livechat.customer.web.api.v33 import CustomerWebV33
from livechat.customer.web.api.v34 import CustomerWebV34
from livechat.customer.web.api.v35 import CustomerWebV35
from livechat.customer.web.api.v36 import CustomerWebV36
from livechat.utils.structures import AccessToken

stable_version = CONFIG.get('stable')
api_url = CONFIG.get('url')

# pylint: disable=R0903
class CustomerWeb:
    ''' Allows retrieval of client for specific Customer Web
        API version. '''
    def get_client(
        license_id: int = None,
        access_token: Optional[Union[AccessToken, str]] = None,
        version: str = stable_version,
        base_url: str = api_url,
        http2: bool = False,
        proxies: dict = None,
        verify: bool = True,
        organization_id: str = None,
        disable_logging: bool = False,
        timeout: float = httpx.Timeout(15)
    ) -> Union[CustomerWebV33, CustomerWebV34, CustomerWebV35, CustomerWebV36]:
        ''' Returns client for specific API version.

                license_id (int): License ID. Required to use for API version <= 3.3.
                access_token (str): Full token with type (Bearer/Basic) that will be
                             used as `Authorization` header in requests to API.
                version (str): API's version. Defaults to the stable version of API.
                base_url (str): API's base url. Defaults to API's production URL.
                http2 (bool): A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be
                              enabled. Defaults to `False`.
                proxies (dict): A dictionary mapping proxy keys to proxy URLs.
                verify (bool): SSL certificates (a.k.a CA bundle) used to
                               verify the identity of requested hosts. Either `True` (default CA bundle),
                               a path to an SSL certificate file, an `ssl.SSLContext`, or `False`
                               (which will disable verification). Defaults to `True`.
                organization_id (str): Organization ID, replaced license ID in v3.4.
                disable_logging (bool): indicates if logging should be disabled.
                timeout (float): The timeout configuration to use when sending requests.
                                 Defaults to 15 seconds.

                API client object for specified version based on

                ValueError: If the specified version does not exist.
        client = {
            '3.3': CustomerWebV33,
            '3.4': CustomerWebV34,
            '3.5': CustomerWebV35,
            '3.6': CustomerWebV36,
        client_kwargs = {
            '3.3': {
                'license_id': license_id,
                'access_token': access_token,
                'base_url': base_url,
                'http2': http2,
                'proxies': proxies,
                'verify': verify,
                'disable_logging': disable_logging,
                'timeout': timeout
            '3.4': {
                'organization_id': organization_id,
                'access_token': access_token,
                'base_url': base_url,
                'http2': http2,
                'proxies': proxies,
                'verify': verify,
                'disable_logging': disable_logging,
                'timeout': timeout
            '3.5': {
                'organization_id': organization_id,
                'access_token': access_token,
                'base_url': base_url,
                'http2': http2,
                'proxies': proxies,
                'verify': verify,
                'disable_logging': disable_logging,
                'timeout': timeout
            '3.6': {
                'organization_id': organization_id,
                'access_token': access_token,
                'base_url': base_url,
                'http2': http2,
                'proxies': proxies,
                'verify': verify,
                'disable_logging': disable_logging,
                'timeout': timeout
        if client:
            return client(**client_kwargs)
        raise ValueError('Provided version does not exist.')


class CustomerWeb

Allows retrieval of client for specific Customer Web API version.

Expand source code
class CustomerWeb:
    ''' Allows retrieval of client for specific Customer Web
        API version. '''
    def get_client(
        license_id: int = None,
        access_token: Optional[Union[AccessToken, str]] = None,
        version: str = stable_version,
        base_url: str = api_url,
        http2: bool = False,
        proxies: dict = None,
        verify: bool = True,
        organization_id: str = None,
        disable_logging: bool = False,
        timeout: float = httpx.Timeout(15)
    ) -> Union[CustomerWebV33, CustomerWebV34, CustomerWebV35, CustomerWebV36]:
        ''' Returns client for specific API version.

                license_id (int): License ID. Required to use for API version <= 3.3.
                access_token (str): Full token with type (Bearer/Basic) that will be
                             used as `Authorization` header in requests to API.
                version (str): API's version. Defaults to the stable version of API.
                base_url (str): API's base url. Defaults to API's production URL.
                http2 (bool): A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be
                              enabled. Defaults to `False`.
                proxies (dict): A dictionary mapping proxy keys to proxy URLs.
                verify (bool): SSL certificates (a.k.a CA bundle) used to
                               verify the identity of requested hosts. Either `True` (default CA bundle),
                               a path to an SSL certificate file, an `ssl.SSLContext`, or `False`
                               (which will disable verification). Defaults to `True`.
                organization_id (str): Organization ID, replaced license ID in v3.4.
                disable_logging (bool): indicates if logging should be disabled.
                timeout (float): The timeout configuration to use when sending requests.
                                 Defaults to 15 seconds.

                API client object for specified version based on

                ValueError: If the specified version does not exist.
        client = {
            '3.3': CustomerWebV33,
            '3.4': CustomerWebV34,
            '3.5': CustomerWebV35,
            '3.6': CustomerWebV36,
        client_kwargs = {
            '3.3': {
                'license_id': license_id,
                'access_token': access_token,
                'base_url': base_url,
                'http2': http2,
                'proxies': proxies,
                'verify': verify,
                'disable_logging': disable_logging,
                'timeout': timeout
            '3.4': {
                'organization_id': organization_id,
                'access_token': access_token,
                'base_url': base_url,
                'http2': http2,
                'proxies': proxies,
                'verify': verify,
                'disable_logging': disable_logging,
                'timeout': timeout
            '3.5': {
                'organization_id': organization_id,
                'access_token': access_token,
                'base_url': base_url,
                'http2': http2,
                'proxies': proxies,
                'verify': verify,
                'disable_logging': disable_logging,
                'timeout': timeout
            '3.6': {
                'organization_id': organization_id,
                'access_token': access_token,
                'base_url': base_url,
                'http2': http2,
                'proxies': proxies,
                'verify': verify,
                'disable_logging': disable_logging,
                'timeout': timeout
        if client:
            return client(**client_kwargs)
        raise ValueError('Provided version does not exist.')

Static methods

def get_client(license_id: int = None, access_token: Optional[Union[AccessToken, str]] = None, version: str = '3.5', base_url: str = '', http2: bool = False, proxies: dict = None, verify: bool = True, organization_id: str = None, disable_logging: bool = False, timeout: float = Timeout(timeout=15)) ‑> Union[CustomerWebV33CustomerWebV34CustomerWebV35CustomerWebV36]

Returns client for specific API version.


license_id : int
License ID. Required to use for API version <= 3.3.
access_token : str
Full token with type (Bearer/Basic) that will be used as Authorization header in requests to API.
version : str
API's version. Defaults to the stable version of API.
base_url : str
API's base url. Defaults to API's production URL.
http2 : bool
A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be enabled. Defaults to False.
proxies : dict
A dictionary mapping proxy keys to proxy URLs.
verify : bool
SSL certificates (a.k.a CA bundle) used to verify the identity of requested hosts. Either True (default CA bundle), a path to an SSL certificate file, an ssl.SSLContext, or False (which will disable verification). Defaults to True.
organization_id : str
Organization ID, replaced license ID in v3.4.
disable_logging : bool
indicates if logging should be disabled.
timeout : float
The timeout configuration to use when sending requests. Defaults to 15 seconds.


API client object for specified version based on CustomerWebApiInterface.


If the specified version does not exist.
Expand source code
def get_client(
    license_id: int = None,
    access_token: Optional[Union[AccessToken, str]] = None,
    version: str = stable_version,
    base_url: str = api_url,
    http2: bool = False,
    proxies: dict = None,
    verify: bool = True,
    organization_id: str = None,
    disable_logging: bool = False,
    timeout: float = httpx.Timeout(15)
) -> Union[CustomerWebV33, CustomerWebV34, CustomerWebV35, CustomerWebV36]:
    ''' Returns client for specific API version.

            license_id (int): License ID. Required to use for API version <= 3.3.
            access_token (str): Full token with type (Bearer/Basic) that will be
                         used as `Authorization` header in requests to API.
            version (str): API's version. Defaults to the stable version of API.
            base_url (str): API's base url. Defaults to API's production URL.
            http2 (bool): A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be
                          enabled. Defaults to `False`.
            proxies (dict): A dictionary mapping proxy keys to proxy URLs.
            verify (bool): SSL certificates (a.k.a CA bundle) used to
                           verify the identity of requested hosts. Either `True` (default CA bundle),
                           a path to an SSL certificate file, an `ssl.SSLContext`, or `False`
                           (which will disable verification). Defaults to `True`.
            organization_id (str): Organization ID, replaced license ID in v3.4.
            disable_logging (bool): indicates if logging should be disabled.
            timeout (float): The timeout configuration to use when sending requests.
                             Defaults to 15 seconds.

            API client object for specified version based on

            ValueError: If the specified version does not exist.
    client = {
        '3.3': CustomerWebV33,
        '3.4': CustomerWebV34,
        '3.5': CustomerWebV35,
        '3.6': CustomerWebV36,
    client_kwargs = {
        '3.3': {
            'license_id': license_id,
            'access_token': access_token,
            'base_url': base_url,
            'http2': http2,
            'proxies': proxies,
            'verify': verify,
            'disable_logging': disable_logging,
            'timeout': timeout
        '3.4': {
            'organization_id': organization_id,
            'access_token': access_token,
            'base_url': base_url,
            'http2': http2,
            'proxies': proxies,
            'verify': verify,
            'disable_logging': disable_logging,
            'timeout': timeout
        '3.5': {
            'organization_id': organization_id,
            'access_token': access_token,
            'base_url': base_url,
            'http2': http2,
            'proxies': proxies,
            'verify': verify,
            'disable_logging': disable_logging,
            'timeout': timeout
        '3.6': {
            'organization_id': organization_id,
            'access_token': access_token,
            'base_url': base_url,
            'http2': http2,
            'proxies': proxies,
            'verify': verify,
            'disable_logging': disable_logging,
            'timeout': timeout
    if client:
        return client(**client_kwargs)
    raise ValueError('Provided version does not exist.')