Module livechat.customer.rtm.api.v36

Customer RTM API module with client class in version 3.6.

Expand source code
''' Customer RTM API module with client class in version 3.6. '''

# pylint: disable=C0103,R0903,R0913,W0107,W0231,W0613,W0622

from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

from livechat.utils.helpers import prepare_payload
from livechat.utils.structures import AccessToken, RtmResponse
from livechat.utils.ws_client import WebsocketClient

class CustomerRtmV36:
    ''' Customer RTM API client class in version 3.6. '''
    def __init__(
        organization_id: str,
        base_url: str,
        header: Union[list, dict, Callable, None],
        if isinstance(organization_id, str):
   = WebsocketClient(
            raise ValueError(
                f'Provided `organization_id` (`{organization_id}`) seems invalid. Websocket connection may not open.'

    def open_connection(self,
                        origin: dict = None,
                        ping_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3,
                        ping_interval: Union[float, int] = 5,
                        ws_conn_timeout: Union[float, int] = 10,
                        keep_alive: bool = True,
                        response_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3) -> None:
        ''' Opens WebSocket connection.

                origin (dict): Specifies origin while creating websocket connection.
                ping_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) if the pong message is not received,
                    by default sets to 3 seconds.
                ping_interval (int or float): automatically sends "ping" command every specified period (in seconds).
                    If set to 0, no ping is sent periodically, by default sets to 5 seconds.
                ws_conn_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for WebSocket connection,
                    by default sets to 10 seconds.
                keep_alive(bool): Bool which states if connection should be kept, by default sets to `True`.
                response_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response,
                    by default sets to 3 seconds.
        ''', ping_timeout, ping_interval, ws_conn_timeout,
                     keep_alive, response_timeout)

    def close_connection(self) -> None:
        ''' Closes WebSocket connection. '''

# Chats

    def list_chats(self,
                   limit: int = None,
                   sort_order: str = None,
                   page_id: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' It returns summaries of the chats a Customer participated in.

                limit (int): Chat limit. Default: 10, maximum: 25.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Chat summaries are sorted by the
                        creation date of its last thread.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_chats', 'payload': payload})

    def list_threads(self,
                     chat_id: str = None,
                     sort_order: str = None,
                     limit: int = None,
                     page_id: str = None,
                     min_events_count: int = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' It returns threads that the current Customer has access to in a given chat.

                chat_id (str): Chat ID to get threads from.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc
                        newest threads first (default).
                limit (int): Default: 3, maximum: 100.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                min_events_count (int):Range: 1-100; Specifies the minimum number of
                        events to be returned in the response.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_threads', 'payload': payload})

    def get_chat(self,
                 chat_id: str = None,
                 thread_id: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' It returns a thread that the current Customer has access to in a given chat.

                chat_id (str): ID of a chat to get.
                thread_id (str): Thread ID to get. Default: the latest thread (if exists).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def start_chat(self,
                   chat: dict = None,
                   active: bool = None,
                   continuous: bool = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Starts a chat.

                chat (dict): Chat object.
                active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
                continuous (bool): Starts chat as continuous (online group is not required); default: False.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'start_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def resume_chat(self,
                    chat: dict = None,
                    active: bool = None,
                    continuous: bool = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Restarts an archived chat.

                chat (dict): Chat object.
                active (bool): When set to false, creates an inactive thread; default: true.
                continuous (bool): Sets a chat to the continuous mode. When unset, leaves the mode unchanged.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'resume_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def deactivate_chat(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deactivates a chat by closing the currently open thread.

                id (str): Chat ID to deactivate.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'deactivate_chat', 'payload': payload})

# Events

    def send_event(self,
                   chat_id: str = None,
                   event: dict = None,
                   attach_to_last_thread: bool = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends an Event object.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the message to.
                event (dict): Event object.
                attach_to_last_thread (bool): Flag which states if event object should be added to last thread.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'send_event', 'payload': payload})

    def send_rich_message_postback(self,
                                   chat_id: str = None,
                                   thread_id: str = None,
                                   event_id: str = None,
                                   postback: dict = None,
                                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends rich message postback.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a rich message to.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread.
                event_id (str): ID of the event.
                postback (dict): Postback object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'send_rich_message_postback',
            'payload': payload

    def send_sneak_peek(self,
                        chat_id: str = None,
                        sneak_peek_text: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends a sneak peek to a chat.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a sneak peek to.
                sneak_peek_text (str): Sneak peek text.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'send_sneak_peek', 'payload': payload})

# Properties

    def update_chat_properties(self,
                               id: str = None,
                               properties: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates chat properties.

                id (str): ID of the chat you to set a property for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_chat_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_chat_properties(self,
                               id: str = None,
                               properties: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes chat properties.

                id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete properties of.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_chat_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def update_thread_properties(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 thread_id: str = None,
                                 properties: dict = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates thread properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_thread_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_thread_properties(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 thread_id: str = None,
                                 properties: dict = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes thread properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
                properties (dict): Thread properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_thread_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def update_event_properties(self,
                                chat_id: str = None,
                                thread_id: str = None,
                                event_id: str = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates event properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
                event_id (str): ID of the event you want to set properties for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_event_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_event_properties(self,
                                chat_id: str = None,
                                thread_id: str = None,
                                event_id: str = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes event properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
                event_id (str): ID of the event you want to delete the properties of.
                properties (dict): Event properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_event_properties',
            'payload': payload

# Customers

    def update_customer(self,
                        name: str = None,
                        email: str = None,
                        avatar: str = None,
                        session_fields: list = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates customer's properties.

                name (str): Customer`s name.
                email (str): Customer`s email.
                avatar (str): Customer`s avatar.
                session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                        Respects the order of items.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'update_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def update_customer_page(self,
                             url: str = None,
                             title: str = None,
                             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates customer's page.

                url (str): Customer`s url.
                title (str): Customer`s page title.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_customer_page',
            'payload': payload

    def set_customer_session_fields(self,
                                    session_fields: list = None,
                                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sets customer's session fields.

                session_fields (list): List of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'set_customer_session_fields',
            'payload': payload

    def get_customer(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the info about the customer requesting it.

                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
            'action': 'get_customer',
            'payload': {} if payload is None else payload

# Status

    def login(self,
              token: Optional[Union[AccessToken, str]] = None,
              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Logs in customer.

                token (str) : OAuth token from the Customer's account.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if token:
            token = str(token)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'login', 'payload': payload})

    def list_group_statuses(self,
                            all: bool = None,
                            group_ids: list = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Lists statuses of groups.

                all (bool): If set to True, you will get statuses of all the groups.
                group_ids (list): A table of a groups' IDs.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'list_group_statuses',
            'payload': payload

# Other

    def get_form(self,
                 group_id: int = None,
                 type: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns an empty ticket form of a prechat or postchat survey.

                group_id (int): ID of the group from which you want the form.
                type (str): Form type. Possible values: prechat or postchat.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_form', 'payload': payload})

    def get_predicted_agent(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Gets the predicted Agent - the one the Customer will chat with when the chat starts.

                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
            'action': 'get_predicted_agent',
            'payload': {} if payload is None else payload

    def get_url_info(self,
                     url: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' It returns the info on a given URL.

                url (str): URL to get info about.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_url_info', 'payload': payload})

    def mark_events_as_seen(self,
                            chat_id: str = None,
                            seen_up_to: str = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks events as seen by agent.

                chat_id (str): Chat to mark events.
                seen_up_to (str): Date up to which mark events - RFC 3339 date-time format.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'mark_events_as_seen',
            'payload': payload

    def accept_greeting(self,
                        greeting_id: int = None,
                        unique_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks an incoming greeting as seen.

                greeting_id (int): Number representing type of a greeting.
                unique_id (str): Specific greeting event ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'accept_greeting', 'payload': payload})

    def cancel_greeting(self,
                        unique_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Cancels a greeting.

                unique_id (str): Specific greeting event ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'cancel_greeting', 'payload': payload})


class CustomerRtmV36 (organization_id: str, base_url: str, header: Union[list, dict, Callable, None])

Customer RTM API client class in version 3.6.

Expand source code
class CustomerRtmV36:
    ''' Customer RTM API client class in version 3.6. '''
    def __init__(
        organization_id: str,
        base_url: str,
        header: Union[list, dict, Callable, None],
        if isinstance(organization_id, str):
   = WebsocketClient(
            raise ValueError(
                f'Provided `organization_id` (`{organization_id}`) seems invalid. Websocket connection may not open.'

    def open_connection(self,
                        origin: dict = None,
                        ping_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3,
                        ping_interval: Union[float, int] = 5,
                        ws_conn_timeout: Union[float, int] = 10,
                        keep_alive: bool = True,
                        response_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3) -> None:
        ''' Opens WebSocket connection.

                origin (dict): Specifies origin while creating websocket connection.
                ping_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) if the pong message is not received,
                    by default sets to 3 seconds.
                ping_interval (int or float): automatically sends "ping" command every specified period (in seconds).
                    If set to 0, no ping is sent periodically, by default sets to 5 seconds.
                ws_conn_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for WebSocket connection,
                    by default sets to 10 seconds.
                keep_alive(bool): Bool which states if connection should be kept, by default sets to `True`.
                response_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response,
                    by default sets to 3 seconds.
        ''', ping_timeout, ping_interval, ws_conn_timeout,
                     keep_alive, response_timeout)

    def close_connection(self) -> None:
        ''' Closes WebSocket connection. '''

# Chats

    def list_chats(self,
                   limit: int = None,
                   sort_order: str = None,
                   page_id: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' It returns summaries of the chats a Customer participated in.

                limit (int): Chat limit. Default: 10, maximum: 25.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Chat summaries are sorted by the
                        creation date of its last thread.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_chats', 'payload': payload})

    def list_threads(self,
                     chat_id: str = None,
                     sort_order: str = None,
                     limit: int = None,
                     page_id: str = None,
                     min_events_count: int = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' It returns threads that the current Customer has access to in a given chat.

                chat_id (str): Chat ID to get threads from.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc
                        newest threads first (default).
                limit (int): Default: 3, maximum: 100.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                min_events_count (int):Range: 1-100; Specifies the minimum number of
                        events to be returned in the response.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_threads', 'payload': payload})

    def get_chat(self,
                 chat_id: str = None,
                 thread_id: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' It returns a thread that the current Customer has access to in a given chat.

                chat_id (str): ID of a chat to get.
                thread_id (str): Thread ID to get. Default: the latest thread (if exists).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def start_chat(self,
                   chat: dict = None,
                   active: bool = None,
                   continuous: bool = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Starts a chat.

                chat (dict): Chat object.
                active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
                continuous (bool): Starts chat as continuous (online group is not required); default: False.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'start_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def resume_chat(self,
                    chat: dict = None,
                    active: bool = None,
                    continuous: bool = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Restarts an archived chat.

                chat (dict): Chat object.
                active (bool): When set to false, creates an inactive thread; default: true.
                continuous (bool): Sets a chat to the continuous mode. When unset, leaves the mode unchanged.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'resume_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def deactivate_chat(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deactivates a chat by closing the currently open thread.

                id (str): Chat ID to deactivate.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'deactivate_chat', 'payload': payload})

# Events

    def send_event(self,
                   chat_id: str = None,
                   event: dict = None,
                   attach_to_last_thread: bool = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends an Event object.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the message to.
                event (dict): Event object.
                attach_to_last_thread (bool): Flag which states if event object should be added to last thread.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'send_event', 'payload': payload})

    def send_rich_message_postback(self,
                                   chat_id: str = None,
                                   thread_id: str = None,
                                   event_id: str = None,
                                   postback: dict = None,
                                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends rich message postback.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a rich message to.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread.
                event_id (str): ID of the event.
                postback (dict): Postback object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'send_rich_message_postback',
            'payload': payload

    def send_sneak_peek(self,
                        chat_id: str = None,
                        sneak_peek_text: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends a sneak peek to a chat.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a sneak peek to.
                sneak_peek_text (str): Sneak peek text.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'send_sneak_peek', 'payload': payload})

# Properties

    def update_chat_properties(self,
                               id: str = None,
                               properties: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates chat properties.

                id (str): ID of the chat you to set a property for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_chat_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_chat_properties(self,
                               id: str = None,
                               properties: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes chat properties.

                id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete properties of.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_chat_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def update_thread_properties(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 thread_id: str = None,
                                 properties: dict = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates thread properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_thread_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_thread_properties(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 thread_id: str = None,
                                 properties: dict = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes thread properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
                properties (dict): Thread properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_thread_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def update_event_properties(self,
                                chat_id: str = None,
                                thread_id: str = None,
                                event_id: str = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates event properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
                event_id (str): ID of the event you want to set properties for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_event_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_event_properties(self,
                                chat_id: str = None,
                                thread_id: str = None,
                                event_id: str = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes event properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
                event_id (str): ID of the event you want to delete the properties of.
                properties (dict): Event properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_event_properties',
            'payload': payload

# Customers

    def update_customer(self,
                        name: str = None,
                        email: str = None,
                        avatar: str = None,
                        session_fields: list = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates customer's properties.

                name (str): Customer`s name.
                email (str): Customer`s email.
                avatar (str): Customer`s avatar.
                session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                        Respects the order of items.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'update_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def update_customer_page(self,
                             url: str = None,
                             title: str = None,
                             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates customer's page.

                url (str): Customer`s url.
                title (str): Customer`s page title.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_customer_page',
            'payload': payload

    def set_customer_session_fields(self,
                                    session_fields: list = None,
                                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sets customer's session fields.

                session_fields (list): List of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'set_customer_session_fields',
            'payload': payload

    def get_customer(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the info about the customer requesting it.

                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
            'action': 'get_customer',
            'payload': {} if payload is None else payload

# Status

    def login(self,
              token: Optional[Union[AccessToken, str]] = None,
              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Logs in customer.

                token (str) : OAuth token from the Customer's account.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if token:
            token = str(token)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'login', 'payload': payload})

    def list_group_statuses(self,
                            all: bool = None,
                            group_ids: list = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Lists statuses of groups.

                all (bool): If set to True, you will get statuses of all the groups.
                group_ids (list): A table of a groups' IDs.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'list_group_statuses',
            'payload': payload

# Other

    def get_form(self,
                 group_id: int = None,
                 type: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns an empty ticket form of a prechat or postchat survey.

                group_id (int): ID of the group from which you want the form.
                type (str): Form type. Possible values: prechat or postchat.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_form', 'payload': payload})

    def get_predicted_agent(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Gets the predicted Agent - the one the Customer will chat with when the chat starts.

                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
            'action': 'get_predicted_agent',
            'payload': {} if payload is None else payload

    def get_url_info(self,
                     url: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' It returns the info on a given URL.

                url (str): URL to get info about.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_url_info', 'payload': payload})

    def mark_events_as_seen(self,
                            chat_id: str = None,
                            seen_up_to: str = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks events as seen by agent.

                chat_id (str): Chat to mark events.
                seen_up_to (str): Date up to which mark events - RFC 3339 date-time format.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'mark_events_as_seen',
            'payload': payload

    def accept_greeting(self,
                        greeting_id: int = None,
                        unique_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks an incoming greeting as seen.

                greeting_id (int): Number representing type of a greeting.
                unique_id (str): Specific greeting event ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'accept_greeting', 'payload': payload})

    def cancel_greeting(self,
                        unique_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Cancels a greeting.

                unique_id (str): Specific greeting event ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'cancel_greeting', 'payload': payload})


def accept_greeting(self, greeting_id: int = None, unique_id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Marks an incoming greeting as seen.


greeting_id : int
Number representing type of a greeting.
unique_id : str
Specific greeting event ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def accept_greeting(self,
                    greeting_id: int = None,
                    unique_id: str = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Marks an incoming greeting as seen.

            greeting_id (int): Number representing type of a greeting.
            unique_id (str): Specific greeting event ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'accept_greeting', 'payload': payload})
def cancel_greeting(self, unique_id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Cancels a greeting.


unique_id : str
Specific greeting event ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def cancel_greeting(self,
                    unique_id: str = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Cancels a greeting.

            unique_id (str): Specific greeting event ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'cancel_greeting', 'payload': payload})
def close_connection(self) ‑> None

Closes WebSocket connection.

Expand source code
def close_connection(self) -> None:
    ''' Closes WebSocket connection. '''
def deactivate_chat(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Deactivates a chat by closing the currently open thread.


id : str
Chat ID to deactivate.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def deactivate_chat(self,
                    id: str = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Deactivates a chat by closing the currently open thread.

            id (str): Chat ID to deactivate.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'deactivate_chat', 'payload': payload})
def delete_chat_properties(self, id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Deletes chat properties.


id : str
ID of the chat you want to delete properties of.
properties : dict
Chat properties to delete.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def delete_chat_properties(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           properties: dict = None,
                           payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Deletes chat properties.

            id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete properties of.
            properties (dict): Chat properties to delete.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'delete_chat_properties',
        'payload': payload
def delete_event_properties(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, event_id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Deletes event properties.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
event_id : str
ID of the event you want to delete the properties of.
properties : dict
Event properties to delete.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def delete_event_properties(self,
                            chat_id: str = None,
                            thread_id: str = None,
                            event_id: str = None,
                            properties: dict = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Deletes event properties.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
            event_id (str): ID of the event you want to delete the properties of.
            properties (dict): Event properties to delete.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'delete_event_properties',
        'payload': payload
def delete_thread_properties(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Deletes thread properties.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
properties : dict
Thread properties to delete.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def delete_thread_properties(self,
                             chat_id: str = None,
                             thread_id: str = None,
                             properties: dict = None,
                             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Deletes thread properties.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
            properties (dict): Thread properties to delete.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'delete_thread_properties',
        'payload': payload
def get_chat(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

It returns a thread that the current Customer has access to in a given chat.


chat_id : str
ID of a chat to get.
thread_id : str
Thread ID to get. Default: the latest thread (if exists).
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def get_chat(self,
             chat_id: str = None,
             thread_id: str = None,
             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' It returns a thread that the current Customer has access to in a given chat.

            chat_id (str): ID of a chat to get.
            thread_id (str): Thread ID to get. Default: the latest thread (if exists).
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'get_chat', 'payload': payload})
def get_customer(self, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns the info about the customer requesting it.


payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def get_customer(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns the info about the customer requesting it.

            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        'action': 'get_customer',
        'payload': {} if payload is None else payload
def get_form(self, group_id: int = None, type: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns an empty ticket form of a prechat or postchat survey.


group_id : int
ID of the group from which you want the form.
type : str
Form type. Possible values: prechat or postchat.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def get_form(self,
             group_id: int = None,
             type: str = None,
             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns an empty ticket form of a prechat or postchat survey.

            group_id (int): ID of the group from which you want the form.
            type (str): Form type. Possible values: prechat or postchat.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'get_form', 'payload': payload})
def get_predicted_agent(self, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Gets the predicted Agent - the one the Customer will chat with when the chat starts.


payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def get_predicted_agent(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Gets the predicted Agent - the one the Customer will chat with when the chat starts.

            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        'action': 'get_predicted_agent',
        'payload': {} if payload is None else payload
def get_url_info(self, url: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

It returns the info on a given URL.


url : str
URL to get info about.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def get_url_info(self,
                 url: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' It returns the info on a given URL.

            url (str): URL to get info about.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'get_url_info', 'payload': payload})
def list_chats(self, limit: int = None, sort_order: str = None, page_id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

It returns summaries of the chats a Customer participated in.


limit : int
Chat limit. Default: 10, maximum: 25.
sort_order : str
Possible values: asc, desc (default). Chat summaries are sorted by the creation date of its last thread.
page_id : str
Page ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_chats(self,
               limit: int = None,
               sort_order: str = None,
               page_id: str = None,
               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' It returns summaries of the chats a Customer participated in.

            limit (int): Chat limit. Default: 10, maximum: 25.
            sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Chat summaries are sorted by the
                    creation date of its last thread.
            page_id (str): Page ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'list_chats', 'payload': payload})
def list_group_statuses(self, all: bool = None, group_ids: list = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Lists statuses of groups.


all : bool
If set to True, you will get statuses of all the groups.
group_ids : list
A table of a groups' IDs.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_group_statuses(self,
                        all: bool = None,
                        group_ids: list = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Lists statuses of groups.

            all (bool): If set to True, you will get statuses of all the groups.
            group_ids (list): A table of a groups' IDs.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'list_group_statuses',
        'payload': payload
def list_threads(self, chat_id: str = None, sort_order: str = None, limit: int = None, page_id: str = None, min_events_count: int = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

It returns threads that the current Customer has access to in a given chat.


chat_id : str
Chat ID to get threads from.
sort_order : str
Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc newest threads first (default).
limit : int
Default: 3, maximum: 100.
page_id : str
Page ID.
min_events_count (int):Range: 1-100; Specifies the minimum number of
events to be returned in the response.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_threads(self,
                 chat_id: str = None,
                 sort_order: str = None,
                 limit: int = None,
                 page_id: str = None,
                 min_events_count: int = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' It returns threads that the current Customer has access to in a given chat.

            chat_id (str): Chat ID to get threads from.
            sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc
                    newest threads first (default).
            limit (int): Default: 3, maximum: 100.
            page_id (str): Page ID.
            min_events_count (int):Range: 1-100; Specifies the minimum number of
                    events to be returned in the response.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'list_threads', 'payload': payload})
def login(self, token: Union[livechat.utils.structures.AccessToken, str, None] = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Logs in customer.


token (str) : OAuth token from the Customer's account.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def login(self,
          token: Optional[Union[AccessToken, str]] = None,
          payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Logs in customer.

            token (str) : OAuth token from the Customer's account.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if token:
        token = str(token)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'login', 'payload': payload})
def mark_events_as_seen(self, chat_id: str = None, seen_up_to: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Marks events as seen by agent.


chat_id : str
Chat to mark events.
seen_up_to : str
Date up to which mark events - RFC 3339 date-time format.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def mark_events_as_seen(self,
                        chat_id: str = None,
                        seen_up_to: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Marks events as seen by agent.

            chat_id (str): Chat to mark events.
            seen_up_to (str): Date up to which mark events - RFC 3339 date-time format.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'mark_events_as_seen',
        'payload': payload
def open_connection(self, origin: dict = None, ping_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3, ping_interval: Union[float, int] = 5, ws_conn_timeout: Union[float, int] = 10, keep_alive: bool = True, response_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3) ‑> None

Opens WebSocket connection.


origin : dict
Specifies origin while creating websocket connection.
ping_timeout : int or float
timeout (in seconds) if the pong message is not received, by default sets to 3 seconds.
ping_interval : int or float
automatically sends "ping" command every specified period (in seconds). If set to 0, no ping is sent periodically, by default sets to 5 seconds.
ws_conn_timeout : int or float
timeout (in seconds) to wait for WebSocket connection, by default sets to 10 seconds.
keep_alive(bool): Bool which states if connection should be kept, by default sets to True.
response_timeout : int or float
timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response, by default sets to 3 seconds.
Expand source code
def open_connection(self,
                    origin: dict = None,
                    ping_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3,
                    ping_interval: Union[float, int] = 5,
                    ws_conn_timeout: Union[float, int] = 10,
                    keep_alive: bool = True,
                    response_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3) -> None:
    ''' Opens WebSocket connection.

            origin (dict): Specifies origin while creating websocket connection.
            ping_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) if the pong message is not received,
                by default sets to 3 seconds.
            ping_interval (int or float): automatically sends "ping" command every specified period (in seconds).
                If set to 0, no ping is sent periodically, by default sets to 5 seconds.
            ws_conn_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for WebSocket connection,
                by default sets to 10 seconds.
            keep_alive(bool): Bool which states if connection should be kept, by default sets to `True`.
            response_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response,
                by default sets to 3 seconds.
    ''', ping_timeout, ping_interval, ws_conn_timeout,
                 keep_alive, response_timeout)
def resume_chat(self, chat: dict = None, active: bool = None, continuous: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Restarts an archived chat.


chat : dict
Chat object.
active : bool
When set to false, creates an inactive thread; default: true.
continuous : bool
Sets a chat to the continuous mode. When unset, leaves the mode unchanged.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def resume_chat(self,
                chat: dict = None,
                active: bool = None,
                continuous: bool = None,
                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Restarts an archived chat.

            chat (dict): Chat object.
            active (bool): When set to false, creates an inactive thread; default: true.
            continuous (bool): Sets a chat to the continuous mode. When unset, leaves the mode unchanged.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'resume_chat', 'payload': payload})
def send_event(self, chat_id: str = None, event: dict = None, attach_to_last_thread: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sends an Event object.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to send the message to.
event : dict
Event object.
attach_to_last_thread : bool
Flag which states if event object should be added to last thread.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def send_event(self,
               chat_id: str = None,
               event: dict = None,
               attach_to_last_thread: bool = None,
               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sends an Event object.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the message to.
            event (dict): Event object.
            attach_to_last_thread (bool): Flag which states if event object should be added to last thread.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'send_event', 'payload': payload})
def send_rich_message_postback(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, event_id: str = None, postback: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sends rich message postback.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat to send a rich message to.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread.
event_id : str
ID of the event.
postback : dict
Postback object.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def send_rich_message_postback(self,
                               chat_id: str = None,
                               thread_id: str = None,
                               event_id: str = None,
                               postback: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sends rich message postback.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a rich message to.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread.
            event_id (str): ID of the event.
            postback (dict): Postback object.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'send_rich_message_postback',
        'payload': payload
def send_sneak_peek(self, chat_id: str = None, sneak_peek_text: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sends a sneak peek to a chat.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat to send a sneak peek to.
sneak_peek_text : str
Sneak peek text.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def send_sneak_peek(self,
                    chat_id: str = None,
                    sneak_peek_text: str = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sends a sneak peek to a chat.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a sneak peek to.
            sneak_peek_text (str): Sneak peek text.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'send_sneak_peek', 'payload': payload})
def set_customer_session_fields(self, session_fields: list = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sets customer's session fields.


session_fields : list
List of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def set_customer_session_fields(self,
                                session_fields: list = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sets customer's session fields.

            session_fields (list): List of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'set_customer_session_fields',
        'payload': payload
def start_chat(self, chat: dict = None, active: bool = None, continuous: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Starts a chat.


chat : dict
Chat object.
active : bool
When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
continuous : bool
Starts chat as continuous (online group is not required); default: False.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def start_chat(self,
               chat: dict = None,
               active: bool = None,
               continuous: bool = None,
               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Starts a chat.

            chat (dict): Chat object.
            active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
            continuous (bool): Starts chat as continuous (online group is not required); default: False.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'start_chat', 'payload': payload})
def update_chat_properties(self, id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates chat properties.


id : str
ID of the chat you to set a property for.
properties : dict
Chat properties to set.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_chat_properties(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           properties: dict = None,
                           payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates chat properties.

            id (str): ID of the chat you to set a property for.
            properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'update_chat_properties',
        'payload': payload
def update_customer(self, name: str = None, email: str = None, avatar: str = None, session_fields: list = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates customer's properties.


name : str
Customer`s name.
email : str
Customer`s email.
avatar : str
Customer`s avatar.
session_fields : list
An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs. Respects the order of items.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_customer(self,
                    name: str = None,
                    email: str = None,
                    avatar: str = None,
                    session_fields: list = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates customer's properties.

            name (str): Customer`s name.
            email (str): Customer`s email.
            avatar (str): Customer`s avatar.
            session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                    Respects the order of items.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'update_customer', 'payload': payload})
def update_customer_page(self, url: str = None, title: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates customer's page.


url : str
Customer`s url.
title : str
Customer`s page title.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_customer_page(self,
                         url: str = None,
                         title: str = None,
                         payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates customer's page.

            url (str): Customer`s url.
            title (str): Customer`s page title.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'update_customer_page',
        'payload': payload
def update_event_properties(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, event_id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates event properties.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
event_id : str
ID of the event you want to set properties for.
properties : dict
Chat properties to set.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_event_properties(self,
                            chat_id: str = None,
                            thread_id: str = None,
                            event_id: str = None,
                            properties: dict = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates event properties.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
            event_id (str): ID of the event you want to set properties for.
            properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'update_event_properties',
        'payload': payload
def update_thread_properties(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates thread properties.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
properties : dict
Chat properties to set.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_thread_properties(self,
                             chat_id: str = None,
                             thread_id: str = None,
                             properties: dict = None,
                             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates thread properties.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
            properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'update_thread_properties',
        'payload': payload