Module livechat.configuration.api.v33

Configuration API module with client class in version 3.3.

Expand source code
''' Configuration API module with client class in version 3.3. '''

from typing import Union

import httpx

from livechat.utils.helpers import prepare_payload
from livechat.utils.http_client import HttpClient
from livechat.utils.structures import AccessToken

class ConfigurationApiV33(HttpClient):
    ''' Configuration API client class in version 3.3. '''
    def __init__(self,
                 token: Union[AccessToken, str],
                 base_url: str,
                 http2: bool,
                 verify: bool = True,
                 disable_logging: bool = False,
                 timeout: float = httpx.Timeout(15)):
        super().__init__(token, base_url, http2, proxies, verify,
                         disable_logging, timeout)
        self.api_url = f'https://{base_url}/v3.3/configuration/action'

# Agents

    def create_agent(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     name: str = None,
                     role: str = None,
                     avatar_path: str = None,
                     job_title: str = None,
                     mobile: str = None,
                     max_chats_count: int = None,
                     awaiting_approval: bool = None,
                     groups: list = None,
                     notifications: list = None,
                     email_subscriptions: list = None,
                     work_scheduler: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Creates a new Agent with specified parameters within a license.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                name (str): Agent's name.
                role (str): Agent role, should be one of the following:
                            `viceowner`, `administrator`, `normal` (default).
                avatar_path (str): URL path of the Agent's avatar.
                job_title (str): Agent's job title.
                mobile (str): Agent's mobile number.
                max_chats_count (int): Agent's maximum number of concurrent chats.
                awaiting_approval (bool): Determines if the Agent will be awaiting
                                          approval after creation.
                groups (list): Groups an Agent belongs to.
                notifications (list): Represents which Agent notifications are turned on.
                email_subscriptions (list): Represents which subscriptions will be send to
                                           the Agent via email.
                work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Agent.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def get_agent(self,
                  id: str = None,
                  fields: list = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns the info about an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                fields (list): Additional fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_agents(self,
                    filters: dict = None,
                    fields: list = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns all Agents within a license.

                filters (dict): Possible request filters.
                fields (list): Additional fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_agent(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     name: str = None,
                     role: str = None,
                     avatar_path: str = None,
                     job_title: str = None,
                     mobile: str = None,
                     max_chats_count: int = None,
                     groups: list = None,
                     notifications: list = None,
                     email_subscriptions: list = None,
                     work_scheduler: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates the properties of an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                name (str): Agent's name.
                role (str): Agent role, should be one of the following:
                            `viceowner`, `administrator`, `normal` (default).
                avatar_path (str): URL path of the Agent's avatar.
                job_title (str): Agent's job title.
                mobile (str): Agent's mobile number.
                max_chats_count (int): Agent's maximum number of concurrent chats.
                groups (list): Groups an Agent belongs to.
                notifications (list): Represents which Agent notifications are turned on.
                email_subscriptions (list): Represents which subscriptions will be send to
                                           the Agent via email.
                work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Agent.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_agent(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def suspend_agent(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None,
                      headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Suspends an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def unsuspend_agent(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None,
                        headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Unsuspends an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def request_agent_unsuspension(self,
                                   payload: dict = None,
                                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' A suspended Agent can send emails to license owners and vice owners
            with an unsuspension request.

                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def approve_agent(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None,
                      headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Approves an Agent thus allowing the Agent to use the application.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Auto access

    def add_auto_access(self,
                        access: dict = None,
                        conditions: dict = None,
                        description: str = None,
                        next_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None,
                        headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Creates an auto access data structure, which is a set of conditions
            for the tracking URL and geolocation of a customer.

            access (dict): Destination access.
            conditions (dict): Conditions to check.
            description (str):  Description of the auto access.
            next_id (str): ID of an existing auto access.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_auto_accesses(self,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns all existing auto access data structures.

            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_auto_access(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes an existing auto access data structure specified by its ID.

                id (str): Auto access ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_auto_access(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           next_id: str = None,
                           access: dict = None,
                           conditions: dict = None,
                           description: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Moves an existing auto access data structure, specified by id,
            before another one, specified by next_id.

                id (str): ID of the auto access to move.
                next_id (str): ID of the auto access that should follow the moved auto access.
                access (dict): Destination access.
                conditions (dict): Conditions to check.
                description (str): Description of the auto access.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Bots

    def create_bot(self,
                   name: str = None,
                   avatar: str = None,
                   max_chats_count: int = None,
                   default_group_priority: str = None,
                   job_title: str = None,
                   groups: list = None,
                   work_scheduler: dict = None,
                   timezone: str = None,
                   owner_client_id: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None,
                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Creates a new Bot.

                name (str): Display name.
                avatar (str): Avatar URL.
                max_chats_count (int): Max. number of incoming chats that can be routed to the Bot; default: 6.
                default_group_priority (str): The default routing priority for a group without defined priority.
                job_title (str): Bot's job title.
                groups (list): Groups the Bot belongs to.
                work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Bot.
                timezone (str): The time zone in which the Bot's work scheduler should operate.
                owner_client_id (str): Required only when authorizing via PATs.
                                The request will be rejected if you provide owner_client_id when authorizing with a Bearer Token.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_bot(self,
                   id: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None,
                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes a Bot.

                id (str): Bot's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_bot(self,
                   id: str = None,
                   name: str = None,
                   avatar: str = None,
                   max_chats_count: int = None,
                   default_group_priority: str = None,
                   groups: list = None,
                   work_scheduler: dict = None,
                   timezone: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None,
                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates an existing Bot.

                id (str): Bot's ID.
                name (str): Display name.
                avatar (str): Avatar URL.
                max_chats_count (int): Max. number of incoming chats that can be routed to the Bot.
                default_group_priority (str): The default routing priority for a group without defined priority.
                groups (list): Groups the Bot belongs to.
                webhooks (dict): Webhooks sent to the Bot.
                work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Bot.
                timezone (str): The time zone in which the Bot's work scheduler should operate.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_bots(self,
                  all: bool = None,
                  fields: list = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns the list of Bots created within a license.

                all (bool): `True` gets all Bots within a license. `False` (default) returns only the requester's Bots.
                fields (list): Additional Bot fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def get_bot(self,
                id: str = None,
                fields: list = None,
                payload: dict = None,
                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Gets a Bot specified by `id`.

                id (str): Bot's ID.
                fields (list): Additional Bot fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Groups

    def create_group(self,
                     name: str = None,
                     language_code: str = None,
                     agent_priorities: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Creates a new group.

                name (str): Group name (up to 180 chars).
                language_code (str): The code of the group languange.
                agent_priorities (dict): Agents' priorities in a group as a map in the "<id>": "<priority>" format.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_group(self,
                     id: int = None,
                     name: str = None,
                     language_code: str = None,
                     agent_priorities: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates an existing group.

                id (int): Groups' ID.
                name (str): Group name (up to 180 chars).
                language_code (str): The code of the group languange.
                agent_priorities (dict): Agents' priorities in a group as a map in the "<id>": "<priority>" format.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_group(self,
                     id: int = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes an existing group.

                id (int): Groups' ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_groups(self,
                    fields: list = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Lists all the exisiting groups.

                fields (list): Additional fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def get_group(self,
                  id: int = None,
                  fields: list = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns details about a group specified by its id.

                id (int): Groups' ID.
                fields (list): Additional fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Properties

    def register_property(self,
                          name: str = None,
                          owner_client_id: str = None,
                          type: str = None,
                          access: dict = None,
                          description: str = None,
                          domain: list = None,
                          range: dict = None,
                          default_value: str = None,
                          payload: dict = None,
                          headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Registers a new private property for a given Client ID.

                name (str): Property name.
                owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
                type (str):  Possible values: `int`, `string`, `bool`, and `tokenized_string`.
                access (dict): Destination access.
                description (str): Property description.
                domain (list): Array of values that properties can be set to.
                range (dict): Range of values that properties can be set to.
                default_value (str): Default value of property; validated by domain or range, if one exists.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def unregister_property(self,
                            name: str = None,
                            owner_client_id: str = None,
                            payload: dict = None,
                            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Unregisters a private property.

                name (str): Property name.
                owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def publish_property(self,
                         name: str = None,
                         owner_client_id: str = None,
                         access_type: list = None,
                         payload: dict = None,
                         headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Publishes a private property.

                name (str): Property name.
                owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
                access_type (list): Possible values: `read`, `write`.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_properties(self,
                        owner_client_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None,
                        headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Lists private and public properties owned by a given Client ID.

                owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_license_properties(self,
                                  properties: dict = None,
                                  payload: dict = None,
                                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates a property value within a license. This operation doesn't
            overwrite the existing values.

                properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and properties (grouped in objects) as values.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_license_properties(self,
                                namespace: str = None,
                                name_prefix: str = None,
                                payload: dict = None,
                                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns the properties set within a license.

                namespace (str): Properties namespace.
                name_prefix (str): Properties name prefix.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_license_properties(self,
                                  properties: dict = None,
                                  payload: dict = None,
                                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes the properties set within a license.

                properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and property_names (in an array) as values.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_group_properties(self,
                                group_id: int = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None,
                                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates a property value within a group as the property location.
            This operation doesn't overwrite the existing values.

                group_id (int): ID of the group you set the properties for.
                properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and properties (grouped in objects) as values.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_group_properties(self,
                              id: int = None,
                              namespace: str = None,
                              name_prefix: str = None,
                              payload: dict = None,
                              headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns the properties set within a group.

                id (int): ID of the group you retrieve properties from.
                namespace (str): Properties namespace.
                name_prefix (str): Properties name prefix.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_group_properties(self,
                                id: int = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None,
                                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes the properties set within a group.

                id (int): ID of the group you delete properties from.
                properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and property_names (in an array) as values.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Webhooks

    def register_webhook(self,
                         action: str = None,
                         secret_key: str = None,
                         url: str = None,
                         additional_data: list = None,
                         description: str = None,
                         filters: dict = None,
                         owner_client_id: str = None,
                         type: str = None,
                         payload: dict = None,
                         headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Registers a webhook for the Client ID (application) provided in the request.

                action (str): The action that triggers sending a webhook.
                secret_key (str): The secret key sent in webhooks to verify the source of a webhook.
                url (str): Destination URL for the webhook.
                additional_data (list): Additional data arriving with the webhook.
                description (str):      Webhook description.
                filters (dict): Filters to check if a webhook should be triggered.
                owner_client_id (str): The Client ID for which the webhook will be registered.
                type (str): `bot` or `license`.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_webhooks(self,
                      owner_client_id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None,
                      headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Lists all webhooks registered for the given Client ID.

                owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def unregister_webhook(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           owner_client_id: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Unregisters a webhook previously registered for a Client ID (application).

                id (str): Webhook's ID.
                owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_webhook_names(self,
                           version: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Lists all webhooks that are supported in a given API version. This method requires no authorization.

                version (str): API's version. Defaults to the current stable API version.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def enable_license_webhooks(self,
                                owner_client_id: str = None,
                                payload: dict = None,
                                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Enables the webhooks registered for a given Client ID (application)
            for the license associated with the access token used in the request.

                owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def disable_license_webhooks(self,
                                 owner_client_id: str = None,
                                 payload: dict = None,
                                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Disables the enabled webhooks.

                owner_client_id (str): Required when authorizing via PATs; ignored otherwise.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def get_license_webhooks_state(self,
                                   owner_client_id: str = None,
                                   payload: dict = None,
                                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Gets the state of the webhooks registered for a given Client ID (application)
            on the license associated with the access token used in the request.

                owner_client_id (str): Required when authorizing via PATs; ignored otherwise.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Other

    def get_license_id(self,
                       organization_id: str = None,
                       params: dict = None,
                       headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns license ID by given organization ID.

                organization_id (str): Organization ID to get license ID for.
                params (dict): Custom params to be used in request's query string.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if params is None:
            params = prepare_payload(locals())
        return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/get_license_id',

    def get_organization_id(self,
                            license_id: int = None,
                            params: dict = None,
                            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns organization ID by given license ID.

                license_id (int): License ID to get organization ID for.
                params (dict): Custom params to be used in request's query string.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if params is None:
            params = prepare_payload(locals())
        return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/get_organization_id',


class ConfigurationApiV33 (token: Union[livechat.utils.structures.AccessToken, str], base_url: str, http2: bool, proxies=None, verify: bool = True, disable_logging: bool = False, timeout: float = Timeout(timeout=15))

Configuration API client class in version 3.3.

Expand source code
class ConfigurationApiV33(HttpClient):
    ''' Configuration API client class in version 3.3. '''
    def __init__(self,
                 token: Union[AccessToken, str],
                 base_url: str,
                 http2: bool,
                 verify: bool = True,
                 disable_logging: bool = False,
                 timeout: float = httpx.Timeout(15)):
        super().__init__(token, base_url, http2, proxies, verify,
                         disable_logging, timeout)
        self.api_url = f'https://{base_url}/v3.3/configuration/action'

# Agents

    def create_agent(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     name: str = None,
                     role: str = None,
                     avatar_path: str = None,
                     job_title: str = None,
                     mobile: str = None,
                     max_chats_count: int = None,
                     awaiting_approval: bool = None,
                     groups: list = None,
                     notifications: list = None,
                     email_subscriptions: list = None,
                     work_scheduler: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Creates a new Agent with specified parameters within a license.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                name (str): Agent's name.
                role (str): Agent role, should be one of the following:
                            `viceowner`, `administrator`, `normal` (default).
                avatar_path (str): URL path of the Agent's avatar.
                job_title (str): Agent's job title.
                mobile (str): Agent's mobile number.
                max_chats_count (int): Agent's maximum number of concurrent chats.
                awaiting_approval (bool): Determines if the Agent will be awaiting
                                          approval after creation.
                groups (list): Groups an Agent belongs to.
                notifications (list): Represents which Agent notifications are turned on.
                email_subscriptions (list): Represents which subscriptions will be send to
                                           the Agent via email.
                work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Agent.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def get_agent(self,
                  id: str = None,
                  fields: list = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns the info about an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                fields (list): Additional fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_agents(self,
                    filters: dict = None,
                    fields: list = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns all Agents within a license.

                filters (dict): Possible request filters.
                fields (list): Additional fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_agent(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     name: str = None,
                     role: str = None,
                     avatar_path: str = None,
                     job_title: str = None,
                     mobile: str = None,
                     max_chats_count: int = None,
                     groups: list = None,
                     notifications: list = None,
                     email_subscriptions: list = None,
                     work_scheduler: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates the properties of an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                name (str): Agent's name.
                role (str): Agent role, should be one of the following:
                            `viceowner`, `administrator`, `normal` (default).
                avatar_path (str): URL path of the Agent's avatar.
                job_title (str): Agent's job title.
                mobile (str): Agent's mobile number.
                max_chats_count (int): Agent's maximum number of concurrent chats.
                groups (list): Groups an Agent belongs to.
                notifications (list): Represents which Agent notifications are turned on.
                email_subscriptions (list): Represents which subscriptions will be send to
                                           the Agent via email.
                work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Agent.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_agent(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def suspend_agent(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None,
                      headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Suspends an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def unsuspend_agent(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None,
                        headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Unsuspends an Agent specified by `id`.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def request_agent_unsuspension(self,
                                   payload: dict = None,
                                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' A suspended Agent can send emails to license owners and vice owners
            with an unsuspension request.

                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def approve_agent(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None,
                      headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Approves an Agent thus allowing the Agent to use the application.

                id (str): Agent's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Auto access

    def add_auto_access(self,
                        access: dict = None,
                        conditions: dict = None,
                        description: str = None,
                        next_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None,
                        headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Creates an auto access data structure, which is a set of conditions
            for the tracking URL and geolocation of a customer.

            access (dict): Destination access.
            conditions (dict): Conditions to check.
            description (str):  Description of the auto access.
            next_id (str): ID of an existing auto access.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_auto_accesses(self,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns all existing auto access data structures.

            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_auto_access(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes an existing auto access data structure specified by its ID.

                id (str): Auto access ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_auto_access(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           next_id: str = None,
                           access: dict = None,
                           conditions: dict = None,
                           description: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Moves an existing auto access data structure, specified by id,
            before another one, specified by next_id.

                id (str): ID of the auto access to move.
                next_id (str): ID of the auto access that should follow the moved auto access.
                access (dict): Destination access.
                conditions (dict): Conditions to check.
                description (str): Description of the auto access.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Bots

    def create_bot(self,
                   name: str = None,
                   avatar: str = None,
                   max_chats_count: int = None,
                   default_group_priority: str = None,
                   job_title: str = None,
                   groups: list = None,
                   work_scheduler: dict = None,
                   timezone: str = None,
                   owner_client_id: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None,
                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Creates a new Bot.

                name (str): Display name.
                avatar (str): Avatar URL.
                max_chats_count (int): Max. number of incoming chats that can be routed to the Bot; default: 6.
                default_group_priority (str): The default routing priority for a group without defined priority.
                job_title (str): Bot's job title.
                groups (list): Groups the Bot belongs to.
                work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Bot.
                timezone (str): The time zone in which the Bot's work scheduler should operate.
                owner_client_id (str): Required only when authorizing via PATs.
                                The request will be rejected if you provide owner_client_id when authorizing with a Bearer Token.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_bot(self,
                   id: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None,
                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes a Bot.

                id (str): Bot's ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_bot(self,
                   id: str = None,
                   name: str = None,
                   avatar: str = None,
                   max_chats_count: int = None,
                   default_group_priority: str = None,
                   groups: list = None,
                   work_scheduler: dict = None,
                   timezone: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None,
                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates an existing Bot.

                id (str): Bot's ID.
                name (str): Display name.
                avatar (str): Avatar URL.
                max_chats_count (int): Max. number of incoming chats that can be routed to the Bot.
                default_group_priority (str): The default routing priority for a group without defined priority.
                groups (list): Groups the Bot belongs to.
                webhooks (dict): Webhooks sent to the Bot.
                work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Bot.
                timezone (str): The time zone in which the Bot's work scheduler should operate.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_bots(self,
                  all: bool = None,
                  fields: list = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns the list of Bots created within a license.

                all (bool): `True` gets all Bots within a license. `False` (default) returns only the requester's Bots.
                fields (list): Additional Bot fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def get_bot(self,
                id: str = None,
                fields: list = None,
                payload: dict = None,
                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Gets a Bot specified by `id`.

                id (str): Bot's ID.
                fields (list): Additional Bot fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Groups

    def create_group(self,
                     name: str = None,
                     language_code: str = None,
                     agent_priorities: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Creates a new group.

                name (str): Group name (up to 180 chars).
                language_code (str): The code of the group languange.
                agent_priorities (dict): Agents' priorities in a group as a map in the "<id>": "<priority>" format.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_group(self,
                     id: int = None,
                     name: str = None,
                     language_code: str = None,
                     agent_priorities: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates an existing group.

                id (int): Groups' ID.
                name (str): Group name (up to 180 chars).
                language_code (str): The code of the group languange.
                agent_priorities (dict): Agents' priorities in a group as a map in the "<id>": "<priority>" format.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_group(self,
                     id: int = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes an existing group.

                id (int): Groups' ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_groups(self,
                    fields: list = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Lists all the exisiting groups.

                fields (list): Additional fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def get_group(self,
                  id: int = None,
                  fields: list = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns details about a group specified by its id.

                id (int): Groups' ID.
                fields (list): Additional fields to include.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Properties

    def register_property(self,
                          name: str = None,
                          owner_client_id: str = None,
                          type: str = None,
                          access: dict = None,
                          description: str = None,
                          domain: list = None,
                          range: dict = None,
                          default_value: str = None,
                          payload: dict = None,
                          headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Registers a new private property for a given Client ID.

                name (str): Property name.
                owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
                type (str):  Possible values: `int`, `string`, `bool`, and `tokenized_string`.
                access (dict): Destination access.
                description (str): Property description.
                domain (list): Array of values that properties can be set to.
                range (dict): Range of values that properties can be set to.
                default_value (str): Default value of property; validated by domain or range, if one exists.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def unregister_property(self,
                            name: str = None,
                            owner_client_id: str = None,
                            payload: dict = None,
                            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Unregisters a private property.

                name (str): Property name.
                owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def publish_property(self,
                         name: str = None,
                         owner_client_id: str = None,
                         access_type: list = None,
                         payload: dict = None,
                         headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Publishes a private property.

                name (str): Property name.
                owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
                access_type (list): Possible values: `read`, `write`.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_properties(self,
                        owner_client_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None,
                        headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Lists private and public properties owned by a given Client ID.

                owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_license_properties(self,
                                  properties: dict = None,
                                  payload: dict = None,
                                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates a property value within a license. This operation doesn't
            overwrite the existing values.

                properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and properties (grouped in objects) as values.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_license_properties(self,
                                namespace: str = None,
                                name_prefix: str = None,
                                payload: dict = None,
                                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns the properties set within a license.

                namespace (str): Properties namespace.
                name_prefix (str): Properties name prefix.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_license_properties(self,
                                  properties: dict = None,
                                  payload: dict = None,
                                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes the properties set within a license.

                properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and property_names (in an array) as values.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def update_group_properties(self,
                                group_id: int = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None,
                                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Updates a property value within a group as the property location.
            This operation doesn't overwrite the existing values.

                group_id (int): ID of the group you set the properties for.
                properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and properties (grouped in objects) as values.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_group_properties(self,
                              id: int = None,
                              namespace: str = None,
                              name_prefix: str = None,
                              payload: dict = None,
                              headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns the properties set within a group.

                id (int): ID of the group you retrieve properties from.
                namespace (str): Properties namespace.
                name_prefix (str): Properties name prefix.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def delete_group_properties(self,
                                id: int = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None,
                                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Deletes the properties set within a group.

                id (int): ID of the group you delete properties from.
                properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and property_names (in an array) as values.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Webhooks

    def register_webhook(self,
                         action: str = None,
                         secret_key: str = None,
                         url: str = None,
                         additional_data: list = None,
                         description: str = None,
                         filters: dict = None,
                         owner_client_id: str = None,
                         type: str = None,
                         payload: dict = None,
                         headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Registers a webhook for the Client ID (application) provided in the request.

                action (str): The action that triggers sending a webhook.
                secret_key (str): The secret key sent in webhooks to verify the source of a webhook.
                url (str): Destination URL for the webhook.
                additional_data (list): Additional data arriving with the webhook.
                description (str):      Webhook description.
                filters (dict): Filters to check if a webhook should be triggered.
                owner_client_id (str): The Client ID for which the webhook will be registered.
                type (str): `bot` or `license`.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_webhooks(self,
                      owner_client_id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None,
                      headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Lists all webhooks registered for the given Client ID.

                owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def unregister_webhook(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           owner_client_id: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Unregisters a webhook previously registered for a Client ID (application).

                id (str): Webhook's ID.
                owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def list_webhook_names(self,
                           version: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None,
                           headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Lists all webhooks that are supported in a given API version. This method requires no authorization.

                version (str): API's version. Defaults to the current stable API version.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def enable_license_webhooks(self,
                                owner_client_id: str = None,
                                payload: dict = None,
                                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Enables the webhooks registered for a given Client ID (application)
            for the license associated with the access token used in the request.

                owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def disable_license_webhooks(self,
                                 owner_client_id: str = None,
                                 payload: dict = None,
                                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Disables the enabled webhooks.

                owner_client_id (str): Required when authorizing via PATs; ignored otherwise.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

    def get_license_webhooks_state(self,
                                   owner_client_id: str = None,
                                   payload: dict = None,
                                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Gets the state of the webhooks registered for a given Client ID (application)
            on the license associated with the access token used in the request.

                owner_client_id (str): Required when authorizing via PATs; ignored otherwise.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())

# Other

    def get_license_id(self,
                       organization_id: str = None,
                       params: dict = None,
                       headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns license ID by given organization ID.

                organization_id (str): Organization ID to get license ID for.
                params (dict): Custom params to be used in request's query string.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if params is None:
            params = prepare_payload(locals())
        return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/get_license_id',

    def get_organization_id(self,
                            license_id: int = None,
                            params: dict = None,
                            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
        ''' Returns organization ID by given license ID.

                license_id (int): License ID to get organization ID for.
                params (dict): Custom params to be used in request's query string.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
                headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                                They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                                however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

                httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                                which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
        if params is None:
            params = prepare_payload(locals())
        return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/get_organization_id',


  • livechat.utils.http_client.HttpClient


def add_auto_access(self, access: dict = None, conditions: dict = None, description: str = None, next_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Creates an auto access data structure, which is a set of conditions for the tracking URL and geolocation of a customer.


access : dict
Destination access.
conditions : dict
Conditions to check.
description : str
Description of the auto access.
next_id : str
ID of an existing auto access.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def add_auto_access(self,
                    access: dict = None,
                    conditions: dict = None,
                    description: str = None,
                    next_id: str = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Creates an auto access data structure, which is a set of conditions
        for the tracking URL and geolocation of a customer.

        access (dict): Destination access.
        conditions (dict): Conditions to check.
        description (str):  Description of the auto access.
        next_id (str): ID of an existing auto access.
        payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
        headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                        They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                        however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

        httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                        which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def approve_agent(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Approves an Agent thus allowing the Agent to use the application.


id : str
Agent's ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def approve_agent(self,
                  id: str = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Approves an Agent thus allowing the Agent to use the application.

            id (str): Agent's ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def create_agent(self, id: str = None, name: str = None, role: str = None, avatar_path: str = None, job_title: str = None, mobile: str = None, max_chats_count: int = None, awaiting_approval: bool = None, groups: list = None, notifications: list = None, email_subscriptions: list = None, work_scheduler: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Creates a new Agent with specified parameters within a license.


id : str
Agent's ID.
name : str
Agent's name.
role : str
Agent role, should be one of the following: viceowner, administrator, normal (default).
avatar_path : str
URL path of the Agent's avatar.
job_title : str
Agent's job title.
mobile : str
Agent's mobile number.
max_chats_count : int
Agent's maximum number of concurrent chats.
awaiting_approval : bool
Determines if the Agent will be awaiting approval after creation.
groups : list
Groups an Agent belongs to.
notifications : list
Represents which Agent notifications are turned on.
email_subscriptions : list
Represents which subscriptions will be send to the Agent via email.
work_scheduler : dict
Work scheduler options to set for the new Agent.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def create_agent(self,
                 id: str = None,
                 name: str = None,
                 role: str = None,
                 avatar_path: str = None,
                 job_title: str = None,
                 mobile: str = None,
                 max_chats_count: int = None,
                 awaiting_approval: bool = None,
                 groups: list = None,
                 notifications: list = None,
                 email_subscriptions: list = None,
                 work_scheduler: dict = None,
                 payload: dict = None,
                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Creates a new Agent with specified parameters within a license.

            id (str): Agent's ID.
            name (str): Agent's name.
            role (str): Agent role, should be one of the following:
                        `viceowner`, `administrator`, `normal` (default).
            avatar_path (str): URL path of the Agent's avatar.
            job_title (str): Agent's job title.
            mobile (str): Agent's mobile number.
            max_chats_count (int): Agent's maximum number of concurrent chats.
            awaiting_approval (bool): Determines if the Agent will be awaiting
                                      approval after creation.
            groups (list): Groups an Agent belongs to.
            notifications (list): Represents which Agent notifications are turned on.
            email_subscriptions (list): Represents which subscriptions will be send to
                                       the Agent via email.
            work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Agent.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def create_bot(self, name: str = None, avatar: str = None, max_chats_count: int = None, default_group_priority: str = None, job_title: str = None, groups: list = None, work_scheduler: dict = None, timezone: str = None, owner_client_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Creates a new Bot.


name : str
Display name.
avatar : str
Avatar URL.
max_chats_count : int
Max. number of incoming chats that can be routed to the Bot; default: 6.
default_group_priority : str
The default routing priority for a group without defined priority.
job_title : str
Bot's job title.
groups : list
Groups the Bot belongs to.
work_scheduler : dict
Work scheduler options to set for the new Bot.
timezone : str
The time zone in which the Bot's work scheduler should operate.
owner_client_id : str
Required only when authorizing via PATs. The request will be rejected if you provide owner_client_id when authorizing with a Bearer Token.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def create_bot(self,
               name: str = None,
               avatar: str = None,
               max_chats_count: int = None,
               default_group_priority: str = None,
               job_title: str = None,
               groups: list = None,
               work_scheduler: dict = None,
               timezone: str = None,
               owner_client_id: str = None,
               payload: dict = None,
               headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Creates a new Bot.

            name (str): Display name.
            avatar (str): Avatar URL.
            max_chats_count (int): Max. number of incoming chats that can be routed to the Bot; default: 6.
            default_group_priority (str): The default routing priority for a group without defined priority.
            job_title (str): Bot's job title.
            groups (list): Groups the Bot belongs to.
            work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Bot.
            timezone (str): The time zone in which the Bot's work scheduler should operate.
            owner_client_id (str): Required only when authorizing via PATs.
                            The request will be rejected if you provide owner_client_id when authorizing with a Bearer Token.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def create_group(self, name: str = None, language_code: str = None, agent_priorities: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Creates a new group.


name : str
Group name (up to 180 chars).
language_code : str
The code of the group languange.
agent_priorities : dict
Agents' priorities in a group as a map in the "": "" format.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def create_group(self,
                 name: str = None,
                 language_code: str = None,
                 agent_priorities: dict = None,
                 payload: dict = None,
                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Creates a new group.

            name (str): Group name (up to 180 chars).
            language_code (str): The code of the group languange.
            agent_priorities (dict): Agents' priorities in a group as a map in the "<id>": "<priority>" format.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def delete_agent(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Deletes an Agent specified by id.


id : str
Agent's ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def delete_agent(self,
                 id: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None,
                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Deletes an Agent specified by `id`.

            id (str): Agent's ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def delete_auto_access(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Deletes an existing auto access data structure specified by its ID.


id : str
Auto access ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def delete_auto_access(self,
                       id: str = None,
                       payload: dict = None,
                       headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Deletes an existing auto access data structure specified by its ID.

            id (str): Auto access ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def delete_bot(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Deletes a Bot.


id : str
Bot's ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def delete_bot(self,
               id: str = None,
               payload: dict = None,
               headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Deletes a Bot.

            id (str): Bot's ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def delete_group(self, id: int = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Deletes an existing group.


id : int
Groups' ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def delete_group(self,
                 id: int = None,
                 payload: dict = None,
                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Deletes an existing group.

            id (int): Groups' ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def delete_group_properties(self, id: int = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Deletes the properties set within a group.


id : int
ID of the group you delete properties from.
properties : dict
An object with namespaces as keys and property_names (in an array) as values.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def delete_group_properties(self,
                            id: int = None,
                            properties: dict = None,
                            payload: dict = None,
                            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Deletes the properties set within a group.

            id (int): ID of the group you delete properties from.
            properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and property_names (in an array) as values.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def delete_license_properties(self, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Deletes the properties set within a license.


properties : dict
An object with namespaces as keys and property_names (in an array) as values.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def delete_license_properties(self,
                              properties: dict = None,
                              payload: dict = None,
                              headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Deletes the properties set within a license.

            properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and property_names (in an array) as values.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def disable_license_webhooks(self, owner_client_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Disables the enabled webhooks.


owner_client_id : str
Required when authorizing via PATs; ignored otherwise.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def disable_license_webhooks(self,
                             owner_client_id: str = None,
                             payload: dict = None,
                             headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Disables the enabled webhooks.

            owner_client_id (str): Required when authorizing via PATs; ignored otherwise.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def enable_license_webhooks(self, owner_client_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Enables the webhooks registered for a given Client ID (application) for the license associated with the access token used in the request.


owner_client_id : str
The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def enable_license_webhooks(self,
                            owner_client_id: str = None,
                            payload: dict = None,
                            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Enables the webhooks registered for a given Client ID (application)
        for the license associated with the access token used in the request.

            owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def get_agent(self, id: str = None, fields: list = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns the info about an Agent specified by id.


id : str
Agent's ID.
fields : list
Additional fields to include.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def get_agent(self,
              id: str = None,
              fields: list = None,
              payload: dict = None,
              headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns the info about an Agent specified by `id`.

            id (str): Agent's ID.
            fields (list): Additional fields to include.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def get_bot(self, id: str = None, fields: list = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Gets a Bot specified by id.


id : str
Bot's ID.
fields : list
Additional Bot fields to include.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def get_bot(self,
            id: str = None,
            fields: list = None,
            payload: dict = None,
            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Gets a Bot specified by `id`.

            id (str): Bot's ID.
            fields (list): Additional Bot fields to include.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def get_group(self, id: int = None, fields: list = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns details about a group specified by its id.


id : int
Groups' ID.
fields : list
Additional fields to include.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def get_group(self,
              id: int = None,
              fields: list = None,
              payload: dict = None,
              headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns details about a group specified by its id.

            id (int): Groups' ID.
            fields (list): Additional fields to include.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def get_license_id(self, organization_id: str = None, params: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns license ID by given organization ID.


organization_id : str
Organization ID to get license ID for.
params : dict
Custom params to be used in request's query string. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def get_license_id(self,
                   organization_id: str = None,
                   params: dict = None,
                   headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns license ID by given organization ID.

            organization_id (str): Organization ID to get license ID for.
            params (dict): Custom params to be used in request's query string.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if params is None:
        params = prepare_payload(locals())
    return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/get_license_id',
def get_license_webhooks_state(self, owner_client_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Gets the state of the webhooks registered for a given Client ID (application) on the license associated with the access token used in the request.


owner_client_id : str
Required when authorizing via PATs; ignored otherwise.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def get_license_webhooks_state(self,
                               owner_client_id: str = None,
                               payload: dict = None,
                               headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Gets the state of the webhooks registered for a given Client ID (application)
        on the license associated with the access token used in the request.

            owner_client_id (str): Required when authorizing via PATs; ignored otherwise.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def get_organization_id(self, license_id: int = None, params: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns organization ID by given license ID.


license_id : int
License ID to get organization ID for.
params : dict
Custom params to be used in request's query string. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def get_organization_id(self,
                        license_id: int = None,
                        params: dict = None,
                        headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns organization ID by given license ID.

            license_id (int): License ID to get organization ID for.
            params (dict): Custom params to be used in request's query string.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if params is None:
        params = prepare_payload(locals())
    return self.session.get(f'{self.api_url}/get_organization_id',
def list_agents(self, filters: dict = None, fields: list = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns all Agents within a license.


filters : dict
Possible request filters.
fields : list
Additional fields to include.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def list_agents(self,
                filters: dict = None,
                fields: list = None,
                payload: dict = None,
                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns all Agents within a license.

            filters (dict): Possible request filters.
            fields (list): Additional fields to include.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def list_auto_accesses(self, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns all existing auto access data structures.


payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

Returns: httpx.Response: The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.

Expand source code
def list_auto_accesses(self,
                       payload: dict = None,
                       headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns all existing auto access data structures.

        payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
        headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                        They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                        however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def list_bots(self, all: bool = None, fields: list = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns the list of Bots created within a license.


all : bool
True gets all Bots within a license. False (default) returns only the requester's Bots.
fields : list
Additional Bot fields to include.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def list_bots(self,
              all: bool = None,
              fields: list = None,
              payload: dict = None,
              headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns the list of Bots created within a license.

            all (bool): `True` gets all Bots within a license. `False` (default) returns only the requester's Bots.
            fields (list): Additional Bot fields to include.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def list_group_properties(self, id: int = None, namespace: str = None, name_prefix: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns the properties set within a group.


id : int
ID of the group you retrieve properties from.
namespace : str
Properties namespace.
name_prefix : str
Properties name prefix.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def list_group_properties(self,
                          id: int = None,
                          namespace: str = None,
                          name_prefix: str = None,
                          payload: dict = None,
                          headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns the properties set within a group.

            id (int): ID of the group you retrieve properties from.
            namespace (str): Properties namespace.
            name_prefix (str): Properties name prefix.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def list_groups(self, fields: list = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Lists all the exisiting groups.


fields : list
Additional fields to include.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def list_groups(self,
                fields: list = None,
                payload: dict = None,
                headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Lists all the exisiting groups.

            fields (list): Additional fields to include.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def list_license_properties(self, namespace: str = None, name_prefix: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Returns the properties set within a license.


namespace : str
Properties namespace.
name_prefix : str
Properties name prefix.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def list_license_properties(self,
                            namespace: str = None,
                            name_prefix: str = None,
                            payload: dict = None,
                            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Returns the properties set within a license.

            namespace (str): Properties namespace.
            name_prefix (str): Properties name prefix.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def list_properties(self, owner_client_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Lists private and public properties owned by a given Client ID.


owner_client_id : str
Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def list_properties(self,
                    owner_client_id: str = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Lists private and public properties owned by a given Client ID.

            owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def list_webhook_names(self, version: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Lists all webhooks that are supported in a given API version. This method requires no authorization.


version : str
API's version. Defaults to the current stable API version.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def list_webhook_names(self,
                       version: str = None,
                       payload: dict = None,
                       headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Lists all webhooks that are supported in a given API version. This method requires no authorization.

            version (str): API's version. Defaults to the current stable API version.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def list_webhooks(self, owner_client_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Lists all webhooks registered for the given Client ID.


owner_client_id : str
The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def list_webhooks(self,
                  owner_client_id: str = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Lists all webhooks registered for the given Client ID.

            owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def publish_property(self, name: str = None, owner_client_id: str = None, access_type: list = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Publishes a private property.


name : str
Property name.
owner_client_id : str
Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
access_type : list
Possible values: read, write.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def publish_property(self,
                     name: str = None,
                     owner_client_id: str = None,
                     access_type: list = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Publishes a private property.

            name (str): Property name.
            owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
            access_type (list): Possible values: `read`, `write`.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def register_property(self, name: str = None, owner_client_id: str = None, type: str = None, access: dict = None, description: str = None, domain: list = None, range: dict = None, default_value: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Registers a new private property for a given Client ID.


name : str
Property name.
owner_client_id : str
Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
type : str
Possible values: int, string, bool, and tokenized_string.
access : dict
Destination access.
description : str
Property description.
domain : list
Array of values that properties can be set to.
range : dict
Range of values that properties can be set to.
default_value : str
Default value of property; validated by domain or range, if one exists.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def register_property(self,
                      name: str = None,
                      owner_client_id: str = None,
                      type: str = None,
                      access: dict = None,
                      description: str = None,
                      domain: list = None,
                      range: dict = None,
                      default_value: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None,
                      headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Registers a new private property for a given Client ID.

            name (str): Property name.
            owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
            type (str):  Possible values: `int`, `string`, `bool`, and `tokenized_string`.
            access (dict): Destination access.
            description (str): Property description.
            domain (list): Array of values that properties can be set to.
            range (dict): Range of values that properties can be set to.
            default_value (str): Default value of property; validated by domain or range, if one exists.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def register_webhook(self, action: str = None, secret_key: str = None, url: str = None, additional_data: list = None, description: str = None, filters: dict = None, owner_client_id: str = None, type: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Registers a webhook for the Client ID (application) provided in the request.


action : str
The action that triggers sending a webhook.
secret_key : str
The secret key sent in webhooks to verify the source of a webhook.
url : str
Destination URL for the webhook.
additional_data : list
Additional data arriving with the webhook.
description : str

Webhook description.

filters : dict
Filters to check if a webhook should be triggered.
owner_client_id : str
The Client ID for which the webhook will be registered.
type : str
bot or license.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def register_webhook(self,
                     action: str = None,
                     secret_key: str = None,
                     url: str = None,
                     additional_data: list = None,
                     description: str = None,
                     filters: dict = None,
                     owner_client_id: str = None,
                     type: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None,
                     headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Registers a webhook for the Client ID (application) provided in the request.

            action (str): The action that triggers sending a webhook.
            secret_key (str): The secret key sent in webhooks to verify the source of a webhook.
            url (str): Destination URL for the webhook.
            additional_data (list): Additional data arriving with the webhook.
            description (str):      Webhook description.
            filters (dict): Filters to check if a webhook should be triggered.
            owner_client_id (str): The Client ID for which the webhook will be registered.
            type (str): `bot` or `license`.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def request_agent_unsuspension(self, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

A suspended Agent can send emails to license owners and vice owners with an unsuspension request.


payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def request_agent_unsuspension(self,
                               payload: dict = None,
                               headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' A suspended Agent can send emails to license owners and vice owners
        with an unsuspension request.

            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def suspend_agent(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Suspends an Agent specified by id.


id : str
Agent's ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def suspend_agent(self,
                  id: str = None,
                  payload: dict = None,
                  headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Suspends an Agent specified by `id`.

            id (str): Agent's ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def unregister_property(self, name: str = None, owner_client_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Unregisters a private property.


name : str
Property name.
owner_client_id : str
Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def unregister_property(self,
                        name: str = None,
                        owner_client_id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None,
                        headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Unregisters a private property.

            name (str): Property name.
            owner_client_id (str): Client ID that will own the property; must be owned by your organization.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def unregister_webhook(self, id: str = None, owner_client_id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Unregisters a webhook previously registered for a Client ID (application).


id : str
Webhook's ID.
owner_client_id : str
The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def unregister_webhook(self,
                       id: str = None,
                       owner_client_id: str = None,
                       payload: dict = None,
                       headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Unregisters a webhook previously registered for a Client ID (application).

            id (str): Webhook's ID.
            owner_client_id (str): The webhook owner (the Client ID for which the webhook is registered).
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def unsuspend_agent(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Unsuspends an Agent specified by id.


id : str
Agent's ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def unsuspend_agent(self,
                    id: str = None,
                    payload: dict = None,
                    headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Unsuspends an Agent specified by `id`.

            id (str): Agent's ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def update_agent(self, id: str = None, name: str = None, role: str = None, avatar_path: str = None, job_title: str = None, mobile: str = None, max_chats_count: int = None, groups: list = None, notifications: list = None, email_subscriptions: list = None, work_scheduler: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Updates the properties of an Agent specified by id.


id : str
Agent's ID.
name : str
Agent's name.
role : str
Agent role, should be one of the following: viceowner, administrator, normal (default).
avatar_path : str
URL path of the Agent's avatar.
job_title : str
Agent's job title.
mobile : str
Agent's mobile number.
max_chats_count : int
Agent's maximum number of concurrent chats.
groups : list
Groups an Agent belongs to.
notifications : list
Represents which Agent notifications are turned on.
email_subscriptions : list
Represents which subscriptions will be send to the Agent via email.
work_scheduler : dict
Work scheduler options to set for the new Agent.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def update_agent(self,
                 id: str = None,
                 name: str = None,
                 role: str = None,
                 avatar_path: str = None,
                 job_title: str = None,
                 mobile: str = None,
                 max_chats_count: int = None,
                 groups: list = None,
                 notifications: list = None,
                 email_subscriptions: list = None,
                 work_scheduler: dict = None,
                 payload: dict = None,
                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Updates the properties of an Agent specified by `id`.

            id (str): Agent's ID.
            name (str): Agent's name.
            role (str): Agent role, should be one of the following:
                        `viceowner`, `administrator`, `normal` (default).
            avatar_path (str): URL path of the Agent's avatar.
            job_title (str): Agent's job title.
            mobile (str): Agent's mobile number.
            max_chats_count (int): Agent's maximum number of concurrent chats.
            groups (list): Groups an Agent belongs to.
            notifications (list): Represents which Agent notifications are turned on.
            email_subscriptions (list): Represents which subscriptions will be send to
                                       the Agent via email.
            work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Agent.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def update_auto_access(self, id: str = None, next_id: str = None, access: dict = None, conditions: dict = None, description: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Moves an existing auto access data structure, specified by id, before another one, specified by next_id.


id : str
ID of the auto access to move.
next_id : str
ID of the auto access that should follow the moved auto access.
access : dict
Destination access.
conditions : dict
Conditions to check.
description : str
Description of the auto access.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def update_auto_access(self,
                       id: str = None,
                       next_id: str = None,
                       access: dict = None,
                       conditions: dict = None,
                       description: str = None,
                       payload: dict = None,
                       headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Moves an existing auto access data structure, specified by id,
        before another one, specified by next_id.

            id (str): ID of the auto access to move.
            next_id (str): ID of the auto access that should follow the moved auto access.
            access (dict): Destination access.
            conditions (dict): Conditions to check.
            description (str): Description of the auto access.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def update_bot(self, id: str = None, name: str = None, avatar: str = None, max_chats_count: int = None, default_group_priority: str = None, groups: list = None, work_scheduler: dict = None, timezone: str = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Updates an existing Bot.


id : str
Bot's ID.
name : str
Display name.
avatar : str
Avatar URL.
max_chats_count : int
Max. number of incoming chats that can be routed to the Bot.
default_group_priority : str
The default routing priority for a group without defined priority.
groups : list
Groups the Bot belongs to.
webhooks : dict
Webhooks sent to the Bot.
work_scheduler : dict
Work scheduler options to set for the new Bot.
timezone : str
The time zone in which the Bot's work scheduler should operate.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def update_bot(self,
               id: str = None,
               name: str = None,
               avatar: str = None,
               max_chats_count: int = None,
               default_group_priority: str = None,
               groups: list = None,
               work_scheduler: dict = None,
               timezone: str = None,
               payload: dict = None,
               headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Updates an existing Bot.

            id (str): Bot's ID.
            name (str): Display name.
            avatar (str): Avatar URL.
            max_chats_count (int): Max. number of incoming chats that can be routed to the Bot.
            default_group_priority (str): The default routing priority for a group without defined priority.
            groups (list): Groups the Bot belongs to.
            webhooks (dict): Webhooks sent to the Bot.
            work_scheduler (dict): Work scheduler options to set for the new Bot.
            timezone (str): The time zone in which the Bot's work scheduler should operate.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def update_group(self, id: int = None, name: str = None, language_code: str = None, agent_priorities: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Updates an existing group.


id : int
Groups' ID.
name : str
Group name (up to 180 chars).
language_code : str
The code of the group languange.
agent_priorities : dict
Agents' priorities in a group as a map in the "": "" format.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def update_group(self,
                 id: int = None,
                 name: str = None,
                 language_code: str = None,
                 agent_priorities: dict = None,
                 payload: dict = None,
                 headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Updates an existing group.

            id (int): Groups' ID.
            name (str): Group name (up to 180 chars).
            language_code (str): The code of the group languange.
            agent_priorities (dict): Agents' priorities in a group as a map in the "<id>": "<priority>" format.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def update_group_properties(self, group_id: int = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Updates a property value within a group as the property location. This operation doesn't overwrite the existing values.


group_id : int
ID of the group you set the properties for.
properties : dict
An object with namespaces as keys and properties (grouped in objects) as values.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def update_group_properties(self,
                            group_id: int = None,
                            properties: dict = None,
                            payload: dict = None,
                            headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Updates a property value within a group as the property location.
        This operation doesn't overwrite the existing values.

            group_id (int): ID of the group you set the properties for.
            properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and properties (grouped in objects) as values.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
def update_license_properties(self, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None, headers: dict = None) ‑> httpx.Response

Updates a property value within a license. This operation doesn't overwrite the existing values.


properties : dict
An object with namespaces as keys and properties (grouped in objects) as values.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
headers : dict
Custom headers to be used with session headers. They will be merged with session-level values that are set, however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.


The Response object from httpx library, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
Expand source code
def update_license_properties(self,
                              properties: dict = None,
                              payload: dict = None,
                              headers: dict = None) -> httpx.Response:
    ''' Updates a property value within a license. This operation doesn't
        overwrite the existing values.

            properties (dict): An object with namespaces as keys and properties (grouped in objects) as values.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.
            headers (dict): Custom headers to be used with session headers.
                            They will be merged with session-level values that are set,
                            however, these method-level parameters will not be persisted across requests.

            httpx.Response: The Response object from `httpx` library,
                            which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())