Module livechat.agent.rtm.api.v35

Module containing Agent RTM API client implementation for v3.5.

Expand source code
''' Module containing Agent RTM API client implementation for v3.5. '''

from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union

from livechat.utils.helpers import prepare_payload
from livechat.utils.structures import AccessToken, RtmResponse
from livechat.utils.ws_client import WebsocketClient

# pylint: disable=unused-argument, too-many-arguments, invalid-name, redefined-builtin

class AgentRtmV35:
    ''' Agent RTM API Class containing methods in version 3.5. '''
    def __init__(
        url: str,
        header: Union[list, dict, Callable, None],
    ): = WebsocketClient(url=f'wss://{url}/v3.5/agent/rtm/ws',

    def open_connection(self,
                        origin: dict = None,
                        ping_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3,
                        ping_interval: Union[float, int] = 5,
                        ws_conn_timeout: Union[float, int] = 10,
                        keep_alive: bool = True,
                        response_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3) -> None:
        ''' Opens WebSocket connection.

                origin (dict): Specifies origin while creating websocket connection.
                ping_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) if the pong message is not received,
                    by default sets to 3 seconds.
                ping_interval (int or float): automatically sends "ping" command every specified period (in seconds).
                    If set to 0, no ping is sent periodically, by default sets to 5 seconds.
                ws_conn_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for WebSocket connection,
                    by default sets to 10 seconds.
                keep_alive(bool): Bool which states if connection should be kept, by default sets to `True`.
                response_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response,
                    by default sets to 3 seconds.
        ''', ping_timeout, ping_interval, ws_conn_timeout,
                     keep_alive, response_timeout)

    def close_connection(self) -> None:
        ''' Closes WebSocket connection. '''

    # Chats

    def list_chats(self,
                   filters: dict = None,
                   sort_order: str = None,
                   limit: int = None,
                   page_id: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns summaries of the chats an Agent has access to.

                filters (dict): Possible request filters. Mustn't change between requests for subsequent pages.
                        Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Chat summaries are sorted by the
                        creation date of its last thread.
                limit (int): Chats limit per page. Default: 10, maximum: 100.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_chats', 'payload': payload})

    def list_threads(self,
                     chat_id: str = None,
                     sort_order: str = None,
                     limit: int = None,
                     page_id: str = None,
                     min_events_count: int = None,
                     filters: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns threads that the current Agent has access to in a given chat.

                chat_id (str): Chat ID to get threads from.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc -
                        newest threads first (default).
                limit (int): Default: 3, maximum: 100.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                min_events_count (int): Range: 1-100; Specifies the minimum number of
                        events to be returned in the response.
                filters (dict): Filters object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_threads', 'payload': payload})

    def get_chat(self,
                 chat_id: str = None,
                 thread_id: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns a thread that the current Agent has access to in a given chat.

                chat_id (str): ID of a chat to get.
                thread_id (str): Thread ID to get. Default: the latest thread (if exists).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def list_archives(self,
                      filters: dict = None,
                      page_id: str = None,
                      sort_order: str = None,
                      limit: int = None,
                      highlights: dict = None,
                      payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns a list of the chats an Agent has access to.

                filters (dict): Filters object.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc -
                        newest threads first (default).
                limit (int): Default: 10, minimum: 1, maximum: 100.
                highlights (dict): Use it to highlight the match of filters.query.
                        To enable highlights with default parameters, pass an empty object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_archives', 'payload': payload})

    def start_chat(self,
                   chat: dict = None,
                   active: bool = None,
                   continuous: bool = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Starts a chat.

                chat (dict): Chat object.
                active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
                continuous (bool): Starts chat as continuous (online group is not required); default: False.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'start_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def resume_chat(self,
                    chat: dict = None,
                    active: bool = None,
                    continuous: bool = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Restarts an archived chat.

                chat (dict): Chat object.
                active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
                continuous (bool): Sets a chat to the continuous mode. When unset, leaves the mode unchanged.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'resume_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def deactivate_chat(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deactivates a chat by closing the currently open thread.

                id (str): Chat ID to deactivate.
                ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to deactivate chat
                                                  without being present in the chat's users list.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'deactivate_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def follow_chat(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks a chat as followed.

                id (str): Chat ID to follow.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'follow_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def unfollow_chat(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Removes the requester from the chat followers.

                id (str): Chat ID to unfollow.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'unfollow_chat', 'payload': payload})

# Chat access

    def transfer_chat(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      target: dict = None,
                      ignore_agents_availability: bool = None,
                      ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                      payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Transfers a chat to an agent or a group.

                id (str): Chat ID.
                target (dict): Target object. If missing, the chat will be
                        transferred within the current group.
                ignore_agents_availability (bool): If `True`, always transfers chats. Otherwise, fails
                              when unable to assign any agent from the requested groups.
                ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to transfer chat
                                                  without being present in the chat's users list.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'transfer_chat', 'payload': payload})

# Chat users

    def add_user_to_chat(self,
                         chat_id: str = None,
                         user_id: str = None,
                         user_type: str = None,
                         visibility: str = None,
                         ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                         payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Adds a user to the chat. You can't add more than
            one customer user type to the chat.

                chat_id (str): Chat ID.
                user_id (str): ID of the user that will be added to the chat.
                user_type (str): Possible values: agent or customer.
                visibility (str): Determines the visibility of events sent by
                                  the agent. Possible values: `all` or `agents`.
                ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to add user to chat
                                                  without being present in the chat's users list.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for
                                the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'add_user_to_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def remove_user_from_chat(self,
                              chat_id: str = None,
                              user_id: str = None,
                              user_type: str = None,
                              ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Removes a user from chat.

                chat_id (str): Chat ID.
                user_id (str): ID of the user that will be added to the chat.
                user_type (str): Possible values: agent or customer.
                ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to remove user from chat
                                                  without being present in the chat's users list.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'remove_user_from_chat',
            'payload': payload

# Events

    def send_event(self,
                   chat_id: str = None,
                   event: dict = None,
                   attach_to_last_thread: bool = None,
                   author_id: Optional[str] = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends an Event object.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the message to.
                event (dict): Event object.
                attach_to_last_thread (bool): Flag which states if event object should be added to last thread.
                        The flag is ignored for active chats.
                author_id (optional str): Provide if the event should be sent on behalf of a bot.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        opts = {}
        if author_id:
            opts['author_id'] = author_id
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'send_event',
            'payload': payload,

    def send_rich_message_postback(self,
                                   chat_id: str = None,
                                   thread_id: str = None,
                                   event_id: str = None,
                                   postback: dict = None,
                                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends rich message postback.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a rich message to.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread.
                event_id (str): ID of the event.
                postback (dict): Postback object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'send_rich_message_postback',
            'payload': payload

# Properties

    def update_chat_properties(self,
                               id: str = None,
                               properties: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates chat properties.

                id (str): ID of the chat you to set a property for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_chat_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_chat_properties(self,
                               id: str = None,
                               properties: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes chat properties.

                id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete properties of.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_chat_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def update_thread_properties(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 thread_id: str = None,
                                 properties: dict = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates thread properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_thread_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_thread_properties(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 thread_id: str = None,
                                 properties: dict = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes thread properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
                properties (dict): Thread properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_thread_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def update_event_properties(self,
                                chat_id: str = None,
                                thread_id: str = None,
                                event_id: str = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates event properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
                event_id (str): ID of the event you want to set properties for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_event_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_event_properties(self,
                                chat_id: str = None,
                                thread_id: str = None,
                                event_id: str = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes event properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
                event_id (str): ID of the event you want to delete the properties of.
                properties (dict): Event properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_event_properties',
            'payload': payload

# Thread tags

    def tag_thread(self,
                   chat_id: str = None,
                   thread_id: str = None,
                   tag: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Tags thread.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to add a tag to.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to add a tag to.
                tag (str): Tag name.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'tag_thread', 'payload': payload})

    def untag_thread(self,
                     chat_id: str = None,
                     thread_id: str = None,
                     tag: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Untags thread.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to remove a tag from.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to remove a tag from.
                tag (str): Tag name.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'untag_thread', 'payload': payload})

# Customers

    def get_customer(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the info about the Customer with a given ID.

                id (str): ID of the Customer.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def list_customers(self,
                       page_id: str = None,
                       limit: int = None,
                       sort_order: str = None,
                       sort_by: str = None,
                       filters: dict = None,
                       payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the list of Customers.

                page_id (str): Page ID.
                limit (int): Customers limit. Default: 10, maximum: 100.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Customers are sorted
                        by the creation date.
                sort_by (str): Possible values: created_at (default), threads_count, visits_count,
                        agent_last_event or customer_last_event.
                filters (dict): Filters object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_customers', 'payload': payload})

    def create_customer(self,
                        name: str = None,
                        email: str = None,
                        avatar: str = None,
                        session_fields: list = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Creates a new Customer user type.

                name (str): Customer's name.
                email (str): Customer's email.
                avatar (str): URL of the Customer's avatar.
                session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                        Respects the order of items.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'create_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def update_customer(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        name: str = None,
                        email: str = None,
                        avatar: str = None,
                        session_fields: list = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates Customer's properties.

                id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
                name (str): Customer's name.
                email (str): Customer's email.
                avatar (str): URL of the Customer's avatar.
                session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                        Respects the order of items.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'update_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def ban_customer(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     ban: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Bans the customer for a specific period of time.

                id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
                ban (dict): Ban object containing the number of days that
                        the Customer will be banned.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'ban_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def follow_customer(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks a customer as followed.

                id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'follow_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def unfollow_customer(self,
                          id: str = None,
                          payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Removes the agent from the list of customer's followers.

                id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'unfollow_customer',
            'payload': payload

# Status

    def login(self,
              token: Union[AccessToken, str] = None,
              timezone: str = None,
              reconnect: bool = None,
              push_notifications: dict = None,
              application: dict = None,
              away: bool = None,
              customer_monitoring_level: str = None,
              pushes: dict = None,
              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Logs in agent.

                token (str): OAuth token from the Agent's account.
                timezone (str): Agent's timezone.
                reconnect (bool): Reconnecting sets the status to the
                        last known state instead of the default one.
                push_notifications (dict): Push notifications for the requested token.
                application (dict): Object containing information related to
                        the application's name and version.
                away (bool): When True, the connection is set to the away state.
                        Defaults to False.
                customer_monitoring_level (str): Possible values are: `my`, `chatting`, `invited`, `online` and `highest_available`.
                        Defaults to my if login creates the first session;
                        otherwise it preserves the current customer_monitoring_level.
                pushes (dict): Use case: when you want to receive only specific pushes.
                By default, it's set to all for the version of your currently established RTM connection.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if token:
            token = str(token)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'login', 'payload': payload})

    def change_push_notifications(self,
                                  firebase_token: str = None,
                                  platform: str = None,
                                  enabled: bool = None,
                                  payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Changes the firebase push notifications properties.

                firebase_token (str): Firebase device token.
                platform (str): OS platform. Possible values: ios, android.
                enabled (bool): Enable or disable push notifications for the requested token.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'change_push_notifications',
            'payload': payload

    def set_routing_status(self,
                           status: str = None,
                           agent_id: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Changes the status of an Agent or a Bot Agent.

                status (str): For Agents: accepting_chats or not_accepting_chats.
                        For Bot Agents: accepting_chats, not_accepting_chats, or offline.
                agent_id (str): If not specified, the requester's status will be updated.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'set_routing_status',
            'payload': payload

    def set_away_status(self,
                        away: bool = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sets an Agent's connection to the away state.

                away (bool): A flag.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'set_away_status', 'payload': payload})

    def logout(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Logs out agent.

                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
            'action': 'logout',
            'payload': {} if payload is None else payload

    def list_routing_statuses(self,
                              filters: dict = None,
                              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the current routing status of each agent selected by the provided filters.

                filters (dict): Filters object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'list_routing_statuses',
            'payload': payload

# Other

    def mark_events_as_seen(self,
                            chat_id: str = None,
                            seen_up_to: str = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks events as seen by agent.

                chat_id (str): Chat to mark events.
                seen_up_to (str): Date up to which mark events - RFC 3339 date-time format.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'mark_events_as_seen',
            'payload': payload

    def send_typing_indicator(self,
                              chat_id: str = None,
                              visibility: str = None,
                              is_typing: bool = None,
                              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends a typing indicator.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the typing indicator to.
                visibility (str): Possible values: `all`, `agents`.
                is_typing (bool): A flag that indicates if you are typing.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'send_typing_indicator',
            'payload': payload

    def multicast(self,
                  recipients: dict = None,
                  content: Any = None,
                  type: str = None,
                  payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends a multicast (chat-unrelated communication).

                recipients (object): Object containing filters related to multicast recipients.
                content (typing.Any): A JSON message to be sent.
                type (str): Multicast message type.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'multicast', 'payload': payload})

    def list_agents_for_transfer(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the list of Agents you can transfer a chat to.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to transfer.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'list_agents_for_transfer',
            'payload': payload


class AgentRtmV35 (url: str, header: Union[list, dict, Callable, None])

Agent RTM API Class containing methods in version 3.5.

Expand source code
class AgentRtmV35:
    ''' Agent RTM API Class containing methods in version 3.5. '''
    def __init__(
        url: str,
        header: Union[list, dict, Callable, None],
    ): = WebsocketClient(url=f'wss://{url}/v3.5/agent/rtm/ws',

    def open_connection(self,
                        origin: dict = None,
                        ping_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3,
                        ping_interval: Union[float, int] = 5,
                        ws_conn_timeout: Union[float, int] = 10,
                        keep_alive: bool = True,
                        response_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3) -> None:
        ''' Opens WebSocket connection.

                origin (dict): Specifies origin while creating websocket connection.
                ping_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) if the pong message is not received,
                    by default sets to 3 seconds.
                ping_interval (int or float): automatically sends "ping" command every specified period (in seconds).
                    If set to 0, no ping is sent periodically, by default sets to 5 seconds.
                ws_conn_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for WebSocket connection,
                    by default sets to 10 seconds.
                keep_alive(bool): Bool which states if connection should be kept, by default sets to `True`.
                response_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response,
                    by default sets to 3 seconds.
        ''', ping_timeout, ping_interval, ws_conn_timeout,
                     keep_alive, response_timeout)

    def close_connection(self) -> None:
        ''' Closes WebSocket connection. '''

    # Chats

    def list_chats(self,
                   filters: dict = None,
                   sort_order: str = None,
                   limit: int = None,
                   page_id: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns summaries of the chats an Agent has access to.

                filters (dict): Possible request filters. Mustn't change between requests for subsequent pages.
                        Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Chat summaries are sorted by the
                        creation date of its last thread.
                limit (int): Chats limit per page. Default: 10, maximum: 100.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_chats', 'payload': payload})

    def list_threads(self,
                     chat_id: str = None,
                     sort_order: str = None,
                     limit: int = None,
                     page_id: str = None,
                     min_events_count: int = None,
                     filters: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns threads that the current Agent has access to in a given chat.

                chat_id (str): Chat ID to get threads from.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc -
                        newest threads first (default).
                limit (int): Default: 3, maximum: 100.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                min_events_count (int): Range: 1-100; Specifies the minimum number of
                        events to be returned in the response.
                filters (dict): Filters object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_threads', 'payload': payload})

    def get_chat(self,
                 chat_id: str = None,
                 thread_id: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns a thread that the current Agent has access to in a given chat.

                chat_id (str): ID of a chat to get.
                thread_id (str): Thread ID to get. Default: the latest thread (if exists).
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def list_archives(self,
                      filters: dict = None,
                      page_id: str = None,
                      sort_order: str = None,
                      limit: int = None,
                      highlights: dict = None,
                      payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns a list of the chats an Agent has access to.

                filters (dict): Filters object.
                page_id (str): Page ID.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc -
                        newest threads first (default).
                limit (int): Default: 10, minimum: 1, maximum: 100.
                highlights (dict): Use it to highlight the match of filters.query.
                        To enable highlights with default parameters, pass an empty object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_archives', 'payload': payload})

    def start_chat(self,
                   chat: dict = None,
                   active: bool = None,
                   continuous: bool = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Starts a chat.

                chat (dict): Chat object.
                active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
                continuous (bool): Starts chat as continuous (online group is not required); default: False.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'start_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def resume_chat(self,
                    chat: dict = None,
                    active: bool = None,
                    continuous: bool = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Restarts an archived chat.

                chat (dict): Chat object.
                active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
                continuous (bool): Sets a chat to the continuous mode. When unset, leaves the mode unchanged.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'resume_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def deactivate_chat(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deactivates a chat by closing the currently open thread.

                id (str): Chat ID to deactivate.
                ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to deactivate chat
                                                  without being present in the chat's users list.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'deactivate_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def follow_chat(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks a chat as followed.

                id (str): Chat ID to follow.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'follow_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def unfollow_chat(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Removes the requester from the chat followers.

                id (str): Chat ID to unfollow.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'unfollow_chat', 'payload': payload})

# Chat access

    def transfer_chat(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      target: dict = None,
                      ignore_agents_availability: bool = None,
                      ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                      payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Transfers a chat to an agent or a group.

                id (str): Chat ID.
                target (dict): Target object. If missing, the chat will be
                        transferred within the current group.
                ignore_agents_availability (bool): If `True`, always transfers chats. Otherwise, fails
                              when unable to assign any agent from the requested groups.
                ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to transfer chat
                                                  without being present in the chat's users list.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'transfer_chat', 'payload': payload})

# Chat users

    def add_user_to_chat(self,
                         chat_id: str = None,
                         user_id: str = None,
                         user_type: str = None,
                         visibility: str = None,
                         ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                         payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Adds a user to the chat. You can't add more than
            one customer user type to the chat.

                chat_id (str): Chat ID.
                user_id (str): ID of the user that will be added to the chat.
                user_type (str): Possible values: agent or customer.
                visibility (str): Determines the visibility of events sent by
                                  the agent. Possible values: `all` or `agents`.
                ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to add user to chat
                                                  without being present in the chat's users list.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                                It overrides all other parameters provided for
                                the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'add_user_to_chat', 'payload': payload})

    def remove_user_from_chat(self,
                              chat_id: str = None,
                              user_id: str = None,
                              user_type: str = None,
                              ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Removes a user from chat.

                chat_id (str): Chat ID.
                user_id (str): ID of the user that will be added to the chat.
                user_type (str): Possible values: agent or customer.
                ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to remove user from chat
                                                  without being present in the chat's users list.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'remove_user_from_chat',
            'payload': payload

# Events

    def send_event(self,
                   chat_id: str = None,
                   event: dict = None,
                   attach_to_last_thread: bool = None,
                   author_id: Optional[str] = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends an Event object.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the message to.
                event (dict): Event object.
                attach_to_last_thread (bool): Flag which states if event object should be added to last thread.
                        The flag is ignored for active chats.
                author_id (optional str): Provide if the event should be sent on behalf of a bot.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        opts = {}
        if author_id:
            opts['author_id'] = author_id
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'send_event',
            'payload': payload,

    def send_rich_message_postback(self,
                                   chat_id: str = None,
                                   thread_id: str = None,
                                   event_id: str = None,
                                   postback: dict = None,
                                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends rich message postback.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a rich message to.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread.
                event_id (str): ID of the event.
                postback (dict): Postback object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'send_rich_message_postback',
            'payload': payload

# Properties

    def update_chat_properties(self,
                               id: str = None,
                               properties: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates chat properties.

                id (str): ID of the chat you to set a property for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_chat_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_chat_properties(self,
                               id: str = None,
                               properties: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes chat properties.

                id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete properties of.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_chat_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def update_thread_properties(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 thread_id: str = None,
                                 properties: dict = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates thread properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_thread_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_thread_properties(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 thread_id: str = None,
                                 properties: dict = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes thread properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
                properties (dict): Thread properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_thread_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def update_event_properties(self,
                                chat_id: str = None,
                                thread_id: str = None,
                                event_id: str = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates event properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
                event_id (str): ID of the event you want to set properties for.
                properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'update_event_properties',
            'payload': payload

    def delete_event_properties(self,
                                chat_id: str = None,
                                thread_id: str = None,
                                event_id: str = None,
                                properties: dict = None,
                                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Deletes event properties.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
                event_id (str): ID of the event you want to delete the properties of.
                properties (dict): Event properties to delete.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'delete_event_properties',
            'payload': payload

# Thread tags

    def tag_thread(self,
                   chat_id: str = None,
                   thread_id: str = None,
                   tag: str = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Tags thread.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to add a tag to.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to add a tag to.
                tag (str): Tag name.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'tag_thread', 'payload': payload})

    def untag_thread(self,
                     chat_id: str = None,
                     thread_id: str = None,
                     tag: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Untags thread.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to remove a tag from.
                thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to remove a tag from.
                tag (str): Tag name.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'untag_thread', 'payload': payload})

# Customers

    def get_customer(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the info about the Customer with a given ID.

                id (str): ID of the Customer.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'get_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def list_customers(self,
                       page_id: str = None,
                       limit: int = None,
                       sort_order: str = None,
                       sort_by: str = None,
                       filters: dict = None,
                       payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the list of Customers.

                page_id (str): Page ID.
                limit (int): Customers limit. Default: 10, maximum: 100.
                sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Customers are sorted
                        by the creation date.
                sort_by (str): Possible values: created_at (default), threads_count, visits_count,
                        agent_last_event or customer_last_event.
                filters (dict): Filters object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'list_customers', 'payload': payload})

    def create_customer(self,
                        name: str = None,
                        email: str = None,
                        avatar: str = None,
                        session_fields: list = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Creates a new Customer user type.

                name (str): Customer's name.
                email (str): Customer's email.
                avatar (str): URL of the Customer's avatar.
                session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                        Respects the order of items.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'create_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def update_customer(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        name: str = None,
                        email: str = None,
                        avatar: str = None,
                        session_fields: list = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Updates Customer's properties.

                id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
                name (str): Customer's name.
                email (str): Customer's email.
                avatar (str): URL of the Customer's avatar.
                session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                        Respects the order of items.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'update_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def ban_customer(self,
                     id: str = None,
                     ban: dict = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Bans the customer for a specific period of time.

                id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
                ban (dict): Ban object containing the number of days that
                        the Customer will be banned.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'ban_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def follow_customer(self,
                        id: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks a customer as followed.

                id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'follow_customer', 'payload': payload})

    def unfollow_customer(self,
                          id: str = None,
                          payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Removes the agent from the list of customer's followers.

                id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'unfollow_customer',
            'payload': payload

# Status

    def login(self,
              token: Union[AccessToken, str] = None,
              timezone: str = None,
              reconnect: bool = None,
              push_notifications: dict = None,
              application: dict = None,
              away: bool = None,
              customer_monitoring_level: str = None,
              pushes: dict = None,
              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Logs in agent.

                token (str): OAuth token from the Agent's account.
                timezone (str): Agent's timezone.
                reconnect (bool): Reconnecting sets the status to the
                        last known state instead of the default one.
                push_notifications (dict): Push notifications for the requested token.
                application (dict): Object containing information related to
                        the application's name and version.
                away (bool): When True, the connection is set to the away state.
                        Defaults to False.
                customer_monitoring_level (str): Possible values are: `my`, `chatting`, `invited`, `online` and `highest_available`.
                        Defaults to my if login creates the first session;
                        otherwise it preserves the current customer_monitoring_level.
                pushes (dict): Use case: when you want to receive only specific pushes.
                By default, it's set to all for the version of your currently established RTM connection.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if token:
            token = str(token)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'login', 'payload': payload})

    def change_push_notifications(self,
                                  firebase_token: str = None,
                                  platform: str = None,
                                  enabled: bool = None,
                                  payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Changes the firebase push notifications properties.

                firebase_token (str): Firebase device token.
                platform (str): OS platform. Possible values: ios, android.
                enabled (bool): Enable or disable push notifications for the requested token.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'change_push_notifications',
            'payload': payload

    def set_routing_status(self,
                           status: str = None,
                           agent_id: str = None,
                           payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Changes the status of an Agent or a Bot Agent.

                status (str): For Agents: accepting_chats or not_accepting_chats.
                        For Bot Agents: accepting_chats, not_accepting_chats, or offline.
                agent_id (str): If not specified, the requester's status will be updated.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'set_routing_status',
            'payload': payload

    def set_away_status(self,
                        away: bool = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sets an Agent's connection to the away state.

                away (bool): A flag.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'set_away_status', 'payload': payload})

    def logout(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Logs out agent.

                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
            'action': 'logout',
            'payload': {} if payload is None else payload

    def list_routing_statuses(self,
                              filters: dict = None,
                              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the current routing status of each agent selected by the provided filters.

                filters (dict): Filters object.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'list_routing_statuses',
            'payload': payload

# Other

    def mark_events_as_seen(self,
                            chat_id: str = None,
                            seen_up_to: str = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Marks events as seen by agent.

                chat_id (str): Chat to mark events.
                seen_up_to (str): Date up to which mark events - RFC 3339 date-time format.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'mark_events_as_seen',
            'payload': payload

    def send_typing_indicator(self,
                              chat_id: str = None,
                              visibility: str = None,
                              is_typing: bool = None,
                              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends a typing indicator.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the typing indicator to.
                visibility (str): Possible values: `all`, `agents`.
                is_typing (bool): A flag that indicates if you are typing.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'send_typing_indicator',
            'payload': payload

    def multicast(self,
                  recipients: dict = None,
                  content: Any = None,
                  type: str = None,
                  payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Sends a multicast (chat-unrelated communication).

                recipients (object): Object containing filters related to multicast recipients.
                content (typing.Any): A JSON message to be sent.
                type (str): Multicast message type.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        return{'action': 'multicast', 'payload': payload})

    def list_agents_for_transfer(self,
                                 chat_id: str = None,
                                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
        ''' Returns the list of Agents you can transfer a chat to.

                chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to transfer.
                payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                        It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

                RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                             `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        if payload is None:
            payload = prepare_payload(locals())
            'action': 'list_agents_for_transfer',
            'payload': payload


def add_user_to_chat(self, chat_id: str = None, user_id: str = None, user_type: str = None, visibility: str = None, ignore_requester_presence: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Adds a user to the chat. You can't add more than one customer user type to the chat.


chat_id : str
Chat ID.
user_id : str
ID of the user that will be added to the chat.
user_type : str
Possible values: agent or customer.
visibility : str
Determines the visibility of events sent by the agent. Possible values: all or agents.
ignore_requester_presence : bool
If True, allows requester to add user to chat without being present in the chat's users list.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def add_user_to_chat(self,
                     chat_id: str = None,
                     user_id: str = None,
                     user_type: str = None,
                     visibility: str = None,
                     ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                     payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Adds a user to the chat. You can't add more than
        one customer user type to the chat.

            chat_id (str): Chat ID.
            user_id (str): ID of the user that will be added to the chat.
            user_type (str): Possible values: agent or customer.
            visibility (str): Determines the visibility of events sent by
                              the agent. Possible values: `all` or `agents`.
            ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to add user to chat
                                              without being present in the chat's users list.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                            It overrides all other parameters provided for
                            the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'add_user_to_chat', 'payload': payload})
def ban_customer(self, id: str = None, ban: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Bans the customer for a specific period of time.


id : str
ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
ban : dict
Ban object containing the number of days that the Customer will be banned.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def ban_customer(self,
                 id: str = None,
                 ban: dict = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Bans the customer for a specific period of time.

            id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
            ban (dict): Ban object containing the number of days that
                    the Customer will be banned.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'ban_customer', 'payload': payload})
def change_push_notifications(self, firebase_token: str = None, platform: str = None, enabled: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Changes the firebase push notifications properties.


firebase_token : str
Firebase device token.
platform : str
OS platform. Possible values: ios, android.
enabled : bool
Enable or disable push notifications for the requested token.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def change_push_notifications(self,
                              firebase_token: str = None,
                              platform: str = None,
                              enabled: bool = None,
                              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Changes the firebase push notifications properties.

            firebase_token (str): Firebase device token.
            platform (str): OS platform. Possible values: ios, android.
            enabled (bool): Enable or disable push notifications for the requested token.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'change_push_notifications',
        'payload': payload
def close_connection(self) ‑> None

Closes WebSocket connection.

Expand source code
def close_connection(self) -> None:
    ''' Closes WebSocket connection. '''
def create_customer(self, name: str = None, email: str = None, avatar: str = None, session_fields: list = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Creates a new Customer user type.


name : str
Customer's name.
email : str
Customer's email.
avatar : str
URL of the Customer's avatar.
session_fields : list
An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs. Respects the order of items.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def create_customer(self,
                    name: str = None,
                    email: str = None,
                    avatar: str = None,
                    session_fields: list = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Creates a new Customer user type.

            name (str): Customer's name.
            email (str): Customer's email.
            avatar (str): URL of the Customer's avatar.
            session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                    Respects the order of items.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'create_customer', 'payload': payload})
def deactivate_chat(self, id: str = None, ignore_requester_presence: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Deactivates a chat by closing the currently open thread.


id : str
Chat ID to deactivate.
ignore_requester_presence : bool
If True, allows requester to deactivate chat without being present in the chat's users list.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def deactivate_chat(self,
                    id: str = None,
                    ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Deactivates a chat by closing the currently open thread.

            id (str): Chat ID to deactivate.
            ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to deactivate chat
                                              without being present in the chat's users list.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'deactivate_chat', 'payload': payload})
def delete_chat_properties(self, id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Deletes chat properties.


id : str
ID of the chat you want to delete properties of.
properties : dict
Chat properties to delete.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def delete_chat_properties(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           properties: dict = None,
                           payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Deletes chat properties.

            id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete properties of.
            properties (dict): Chat properties to delete.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'delete_chat_properties',
        'payload': payload
def delete_event_properties(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, event_id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Deletes event properties.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
event_id : str
ID of the event you want to delete the properties of.
properties : dict
Event properties to delete.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def delete_event_properties(self,
                            chat_id: str = None,
                            thread_id: str = None,
                            event_id: str = None,
                            properties: dict = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Deletes event properties.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
            event_id (str): ID of the event you want to delete the properties of.
            properties (dict): Event properties to delete.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'delete_event_properties',
        'payload': payload
def delete_thread_properties(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Deletes thread properties.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
properties : dict
Thread properties to delete.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def delete_thread_properties(self,
                             chat_id: str = None,
                             thread_id: str = None,
                             properties: dict = None,
                             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Deletes thread properties.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to delete the properties of.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to delete the properties of.
            properties (dict): Thread properties to delete.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'delete_thread_properties',
        'payload': payload
def follow_chat(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Marks a chat as followed.


id : str
Chat ID to follow.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def follow_chat(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Marks a chat as followed.

            id (str): Chat ID to follow.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'follow_chat', 'payload': payload})
def follow_customer(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Marks a customer as followed.


id : str
ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def follow_customer(self,
                    id: str = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Marks a customer as followed.

            id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'follow_customer', 'payload': payload})
def get_chat(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns a thread that the current Agent has access to in a given chat.


chat_id : str
ID of a chat to get.
thread_id : str
Thread ID to get. Default: the latest thread (if exists).
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def get_chat(self,
             chat_id: str = None,
             thread_id: str = None,
             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns a thread that the current Agent has access to in a given chat.

            chat_id (str): ID of a chat to get.
            thread_id (str): Thread ID to get. Default: the latest thread (if exists).
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'get_chat', 'payload': payload})
def get_customer(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns the info about the Customer with a given ID.


id : str
ID of the Customer.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def get_customer(self,
                 id: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns the info about the Customer with a given ID.

            id (str): ID of the Customer.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'get_customer', 'payload': payload})
def list_agents_for_transfer(self, chat_id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns the list of Agents you can transfer a chat to.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to transfer.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_agents_for_transfer(self,
                             chat_id: str = None,
                             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns the list of Agents you can transfer a chat to.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to transfer.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'list_agents_for_transfer',
        'payload': payload
def list_archives(self, filters: dict = None, page_id: str = None, sort_order: str = None, limit: int = None, highlights: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns a list of the chats an Agent has access to.


filters : dict
Filters object.
page_id : str
Page ID.
sort_order : str
Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc - newest threads first (default).
limit : int
Default: 10, minimum: 1, maximum: 100.
highlights : dict
Use it to highlight the match of filters.query. To enable highlights with default parameters, pass an empty object.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_archives(self,
                  filters: dict = None,
                  page_id: str = None,
                  sort_order: str = None,
                  limit: int = None,
                  highlights: dict = None,
                  payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns a list of the chats an Agent has access to.

            filters (dict): Filters object.
            page_id (str): Page ID.
            sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc -
                    newest threads first (default).
            limit (int): Default: 10, minimum: 1, maximum: 100.
            highlights (dict): Use it to highlight the match of filters.query.
                    To enable highlights with default parameters, pass an empty object.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'list_archives', 'payload': payload})
def list_chats(self, filters: dict = None, sort_order: str = None, limit: int = None, page_id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns summaries of the chats an Agent has access to.


filters : dict
Possible request filters. Mustn't change between requests for subsequent pages. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
sort_order : str
Possible values: asc, desc (default). Chat summaries are sorted by the creation date of its last thread.
limit : int
Chats limit per page. Default: 10, maximum: 100.
page_id : str
Page ID.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_chats(self,
               filters: dict = None,
               sort_order: str = None,
               limit: int = None,
               page_id: str = None,
               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns summaries of the chats an Agent has access to.

            filters (dict): Possible request filters. Mustn't change between requests for subsequent pages.
                    Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
            sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Chat summaries are sorted by the
                    creation date of its last thread.
            limit (int): Chats limit per page. Default: 10, maximum: 100.
            page_id (str): Page ID.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'list_chats', 'payload': payload})
def list_customers(self, page_id: str = None, limit: int = None, sort_order: str = None, sort_by: str = None, filters: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns the list of Customers.


page_id : str
Page ID.
limit : int
Customers limit. Default: 10, maximum: 100.
sort_order : str
Possible values: asc, desc (default). Customers are sorted by the creation date.
sort_by : str
Possible values: created_at (default), threads_count, visits_count, agent_last_event or customer_last_event.
filters : dict
Filters object.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_customers(self,
                   page_id: str = None,
                   limit: int = None,
                   sort_order: str = None,
                   sort_by: str = None,
                   filters: dict = None,
                   payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns the list of Customers.

            page_id (str): Page ID.
            limit (int): Customers limit. Default: 10, maximum: 100.
            sort_order (str): Possible values: asc, desc (default). Customers are sorted
                    by the creation date.
            sort_by (str): Possible values: created_at (default), threads_count, visits_count,
                    agent_last_event or customer_last_event.
            filters (dict): Filters object.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'list_customers', 'payload': payload})
def list_routing_statuses(self, filters: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns the current routing status of each agent selected by the provided filters.


filters : dict
Filters object.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_routing_statuses(self,
                          filters: dict = None,
                          payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns the current routing status of each agent selected by the provided filters.

            filters (dict): Filters object.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'list_routing_statuses',
        'payload': payload
def list_threads(self, chat_id: str = None, sort_order: str = None, limit: int = None, page_id: str = None, min_events_count: int = None, filters: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Returns threads that the current Agent has access to in a given chat.


chat_id : str
Chat ID to get threads from.
sort_order : str
Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc - newest threads first (default).
limit : int
Default: 3, maximum: 100.
page_id : str
Page ID.
min_events_count : int
Range: 1-100; Specifies the minimum number of events to be returned in the response.
filters : dict
Filters object.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def list_threads(self,
                 chat_id: str = None,
                 sort_order: str = None,
                 limit: int = None,
                 page_id: str = None,
                 min_events_count: int = None,
                 filters: dict = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Returns threads that the current Agent has access to in a given chat.

            chat_id (str): Chat ID to get threads from.
            sort_order (str): Possible values: asc - oldest threads first and desc -
                    newest threads first (default).
            limit (int): Default: 3, maximum: 100.
            page_id (str): Page ID.
            min_events_count (int): Range: 1-100; Specifies the minimum number of
                    events to be returned in the response.
            filters (dict): Filters object.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'list_threads', 'payload': payload})
def login(self, token: Union[livechat.utils.structures.AccessToken, str] = None, timezone: str = None, reconnect: bool = None, push_notifications: dict = None, application: dict = None, away: bool = None, customer_monitoring_level: str = None, pushes: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Logs in agent.


token : str
OAuth token from the Agent's account.
timezone : str
Agent's timezone.
reconnect : bool
Reconnecting sets the status to the last known state instead of the default one.
push_notifications : dict
Push notifications for the requested token.
application : dict
Object containing information related to the application's name and version.
away : bool
When True, the connection is set to the away state. Defaults to False.
customer_monitoring_level : str
Possible values are: my, chatting, invited, online and highest_available. Defaults to my if login creates the first session; otherwise it preserves the current customer_monitoring_level.
pushes : dict
Use case: when you want to receive only specific pushes.
By default, it's set to all for the version of your currently established RTM connection.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def login(self,
          token: Union[AccessToken, str] = None,
          timezone: str = None,
          reconnect: bool = None,
          push_notifications: dict = None,
          application: dict = None,
          away: bool = None,
          customer_monitoring_level: str = None,
          pushes: dict = None,
          payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Logs in agent.

            token (str): OAuth token from the Agent's account.
            timezone (str): Agent's timezone.
            reconnect (bool): Reconnecting sets the status to the
                    last known state instead of the default one.
            push_notifications (dict): Push notifications for the requested token.
            application (dict): Object containing information related to
                    the application's name and version.
            away (bool): When True, the connection is set to the away state.
                    Defaults to False.
            customer_monitoring_level (str): Possible values are: `my`, `chatting`, `invited`, `online` and `highest_available`.
                    Defaults to my if login creates the first session;
                    otherwise it preserves the current customer_monitoring_level.
            pushes (dict): Use case: when you want to receive only specific pushes.
            By default, it's set to all for the version of your currently established RTM connection.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if token:
        token = str(token)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'login', 'payload': payload})
def logout(self, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Logs out agent.


payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def logout(self, payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Logs out agent.

            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
        'action': 'logout',
        'payload': {} if payload is None else payload
def mark_events_as_seen(self, chat_id: str = None, seen_up_to: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Marks events as seen by agent.


chat_id : str
Chat to mark events.
seen_up_to : str
Date up to which mark events - RFC 3339 date-time format.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def mark_events_as_seen(self,
                        chat_id: str = None,
                        seen_up_to: str = None,
                        payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Marks events as seen by agent.

            chat_id (str): Chat to mark events.
            seen_up_to (str): Date up to which mark events - RFC 3339 date-time format.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'mark_events_as_seen',
        'payload': payload
def multicast(self, recipients: dict = None, content: Any = None, type: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sends a multicast (chat-unrelated communication).


recipients : object
Object containing filters related to multicast recipients.
content : typing.Any
A JSON message to be sent.
type : str
Multicast message type.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def multicast(self,
              recipients: dict = None,
              content: Any = None,
              type: str = None,
              payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sends a multicast (chat-unrelated communication).

            recipients (object): Object containing filters related to multicast recipients.
            content (typing.Any): A JSON message to be sent.
            type (str): Multicast message type.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'multicast', 'payload': payload})
def open_connection(self, origin: dict = None, ping_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3, ping_interval: Union[float, int] = 5, ws_conn_timeout: Union[float, int] = 10, keep_alive: bool = True, response_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3) ‑> None

Opens WebSocket connection.


origin : dict
Specifies origin while creating websocket connection.
ping_timeout : int or float
timeout (in seconds) if the pong message is not received, by default sets to 3 seconds.
ping_interval : int or float
automatically sends "ping" command every specified period (in seconds). If set to 0, no ping is sent periodically, by default sets to 5 seconds.
ws_conn_timeout : int or float
timeout (in seconds) to wait for WebSocket connection, by default sets to 10 seconds.
keep_alive(bool): Bool which states if connection should be kept, by default sets to True.
response_timeout : int or float
timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response, by default sets to 3 seconds.
Expand source code
def open_connection(self,
                    origin: dict = None,
                    ping_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3,
                    ping_interval: Union[float, int] = 5,
                    ws_conn_timeout: Union[float, int] = 10,
                    keep_alive: bool = True,
                    response_timeout: Union[float, int] = 3) -> None:
    ''' Opens WebSocket connection.

            origin (dict): Specifies origin while creating websocket connection.
            ping_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) if the pong message is not received,
                by default sets to 3 seconds.
            ping_interval (int or float): automatically sends "ping" command every specified period (in seconds).
                If set to 0, no ping is sent periodically, by default sets to 5 seconds.
            ws_conn_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for WebSocket connection,
                by default sets to 10 seconds.
            keep_alive(bool): Bool which states if connection should be kept, by default sets to `True`.
            response_timeout (int or float): timeout (in seconds) to wait for the response,
                by default sets to 3 seconds.
    ''', ping_timeout, ping_interval, ws_conn_timeout,
                 keep_alive, response_timeout)
def remove_user_from_chat(self, chat_id: str = None, user_id: str = None, user_type: str = None, ignore_requester_presence: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Removes a user from chat.


chat_id : str
Chat ID.
user_id : str
ID of the user that will be added to the chat.
user_type : str
Possible values: agent or customer.
ignore_requester_presence : bool
If True, allows requester to remove user from chat without being present in the chat's users list.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def remove_user_from_chat(self,
                          chat_id: str = None,
                          user_id: str = None,
                          user_type: str = None,
                          ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                          payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Removes a user from chat.

            chat_id (str): Chat ID.
            user_id (str): ID of the user that will be added to the chat.
            user_type (str): Possible values: agent or customer.
            ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to remove user from chat
                                              without being present in the chat's users list.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'remove_user_from_chat',
        'payload': payload
def resume_chat(self, chat: dict = None, active: bool = None, continuous: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Restarts an archived chat.


chat : dict
Chat object.
active : bool
When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
continuous : bool
Sets a chat to the continuous mode. When unset, leaves the mode unchanged.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def resume_chat(self,
                chat: dict = None,
                active: bool = None,
                continuous: bool = None,
                payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Restarts an archived chat.

            chat (dict): Chat object.
            active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
            continuous (bool): Sets a chat to the continuous mode. When unset, leaves the mode unchanged.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'resume_chat', 'payload': payload})
def send_event(self, chat_id: str = None, event: dict = None, attach_to_last_thread: bool = None, author_id: Optional[str] = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sends an Event object.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to send the message to.
event : dict
Event object.
attach_to_last_thread : bool
Flag which states if event object should be added to last thread. The flag is ignored for active chats.
author_id : optional str
Provide if the event should be sent on behalf of a bot.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def send_event(self,
               chat_id: str = None,
               event: dict = None,
               attach_to_last_thread: bool = None,
               author_id: Optional[str] = None,
               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sends an Event object.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the message to.
            event (dict): Event object.
            attach_to_last_thread (bool): Flag which states if event object should be added to last thread.
                    The flag is ignored for active chats.
            author_id (optional str): Provide if the event should be sent on behalf of a bot.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    opts = {}
    if author_id:
        opts['author_id'] = author_id
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'send_event',
        'payload': payload,
def send_rich_message_postback(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, event_id: str = None, postback: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sends rich message postback.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat to send a rich message to.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread.
event_id : str
ID of the event.
postback : dict
Postback object.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def send_rich_message_postback(self,
                               chat_id: str = None,
                               thread_id: str = None,
                               event_id: str = None,
                               postback: dict = None,
                               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sends rich message postback.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat to send a rich message to.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread.
            event_id (str): ID of the event.
            postback (dict): Postback object.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'send_rich_message_postback',
        'payload': payload
def send_typing_indicator(self, chat_id: str = None, visibility: str = None, is_typing: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sends a typing indicator.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to send the typing indicator to.
visibility : str
Possible values: all, agents.
is_typing : bool
A flag that indicates if you are typing.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def send_typing_indicator(self,
                          chat_id: str = None,
                          visibility: str = None,
                          is_typing: bool = None,
                          payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sends a typing indicator.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to send the typing indicator to.
            visibility (str): Possible values: `all`, `agents`.
            is_typing (bool): A flag that indicates if you are typing.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'send_typing_indicator',
        'payload': payload
def set_away_status(self, away: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Sets an Agent's connection to the away state.


away : bool
A flag.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def set_away_status(self,
                    away: bool = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Sets an Agent's connection to the away state.

            away (bool): A flag.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'set_away_status', 'payload': payload})
def set_routing_status(self, status: str = None, agent_id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Changes the status of an Agent or a Bot Agent.


status : str
For Agents: accepting_chats or not_accepting_chats. For Bot Agents: accepting_chats, not_accepting_chats, or offline.
agent_id : str
If not specified, the requester's status will be updated.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def set_routing_status(self,
                       status: str = None,
                       agent_id: str = None,
                       payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Changes the status of an Agent or a Bot Agent.

            status (str): For Agents: accepting_chats or not_accepting_chats.
                    For Bot Agents: accepting_chats, not_accepting_chats, or offline.
            agent_id (str): If not specified, the requester's status will be updated.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'set_routing_status',
        'payload': payload
def start_chat(self, chat: dict = None, active: bool = None, continuous: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Starts a chat.


chat : dict
Chat object.
active : bool
When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
continuous : bool
Starts chat as continuous (online group is not required); default: False.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def start_chat(self,
               chat: dict = None,
               active: bool = None,
               continuous: bool = None,
               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Starts a chat.

            chat (dict): Chat object.
            active (bool): When set to False, creates an inactive thread; default: True.
            continuous (bool): Starts chat as continuous (online group is not required); default: False.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'start_chat', 'payload': payload})
def tag_thread(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, tag: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Tags thread.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to add a tag to.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to add a tag to.
tag : str
Tag name.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def tag_thread(self,
               chat_id: str = None,
               thread_id: str = None,
               tag: str = None,
               payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Tags thread.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to add a tag to.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to add a tag to.
            tag (str): Tag name.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'tag_thread', 'payload': payload})
def transfer_chat(self, id: str = None, target: dict = None, ignore_agents_availability: bool = None, ignore_requester_presence: bool = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Transfers a chat to an agent or a group.


id : str
Chat ID.
target : dict
Target object. If missing, the chat will be transferred within the current group.
ignore_agents_availability : bool
If True, always transfers chats. Otherwise, fails when unable to assign any agent from the requested groups.
ignore_requester_presence : bool
If True, allows requester to transfer chat without being present in the chat's users list.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def transfer_chat(self,
                  id: str = None,
                  target: dict = None,
                  ignore_agents_availability: bool = None,
                  ignore_requester_presence: bool = None,
                  payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Transfers a chat to an agent or a group.

            id (str): Chat ID.
            target (dict): Target object. If missing, the chat will be
                    transferred within the current group.
            ignore_agents_availability (bool): If `True`, always transfers chats. Otherwise, fails
                          when unable to assign any agent from the requested groups.
            ignore_requester_presence (bool): If `True`, allows requester to transfer chat
                                              without being present in the chat's users list.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'transfer_chat', 'payload': payload})
def unfollow_chat(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Removes the requester from the chat followers.


id : str
Chat ID to unfollow.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def unfollow_chat(self,
                  id: str = None,
                  payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Removes the requester from the chat followers.

            id (str): Chat ID to unfollow.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'unfollow_chat', 'payload': payload})
def unfollow_customer(self, id: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Removes the agent from the list of customer's followers.


id : str
ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def unfollow_customer(self,
                      id: str = None,
                      payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Removes the agent from the list of customer's followers.

            id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'unfollow_customer',
        'payload': payload
def untag_thread(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, tag: str = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Untags thread.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to remove a tag from.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to remove a tag from.
tag : str
Tag name.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def untag_thread(self,
                 chat_id: str = None,
                 thread_id: str = None,
                 tag: str = None,
                 payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Untags thread.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to remove a tag from.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to remove a tag from.
            tag (str): Tag name.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'untag_thread', 'payload': payload})
def update_chat_properties(self, id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates chat properties.


id : str
ID of the chat you to set a property for.
properties : dict
Chat properties to set.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_chat_properties(self,
                           id: str = None,
                           properties: dict = None,
                           payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates chat properties.

            id (str): ID of the chat you to set a property for.
            properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'update_chat_properties',
        'payload': payload
def update_customer(self, id: str = None, name: str = None, email: str = None, avatar: str = None, session_fields: list = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates Customer's properties.


id : str
ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
name : str
Customer's name.
email : str
Customer's email.
avatar : str
URL of the Customer's avatar.
session_fields : list
An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs. Respects the order of items.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_customer(self,
                    id: str = None,
                    name: str = None,
                    email: str = None,
                    avatar: str = None,
                    session_fields: list = None,
                    payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates Customer's properties.

            id (str): ID of the Customer. UUID v4 format is required.
            name (str): Customer's name.
            email (str): Customer's email.
            avatar (str): URL of the Customer's avatar.
            session_fields (list): An array of custom object-enclosed key:value pairs.
                    Respects the order of items.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
    return{'action': 'update_customer', 'payload': payload})
def update_event_properties(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, event_id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates event properties.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
event_id : str
ID of the event you want to set properties for.
properties : dict
Chat properties to set.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_event_properties(self,
                            chat_id: str = None,
                            thread_id: str = None,
                            event_id: str = None,
                            properties: dict = None,
                            payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates event properties.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
            event_id (str): ID of the event you want to set properties for.
            properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'update_event_properties',
        'payload': payload
def update_thread_properties(self, chat_id: str = None, thread_id: str = None, properties: dict = None, payload: dict = None) ‑> livechat.utils.structures.RtmResponse

Updates thread properties.


chat_id : str
ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
thread_id : str
ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
properties : dict
Chat properties to set.
payload : dict
Custom payload to be used as request's data. It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.


RTM response structure (request_id, action, type, success and payload properties)
Expand source code
def update_thread_properties(self,
                             chat_id: str = None,
                             thread_id: str = None,
                             properties: dict = None,
                             payload: dict = None) -> RtmResponse:
    ''' Updates thread properties.

            chat_id (str): ID of the chat you want to set properties for.
            thread_id (str): ID of the thread you want to set properties for.
            properties (dict): Chat properties to set.
            payload (dict): Custom payload to be used as request's data.
                    It overrides all other parameters provided for the method.

            RtmResponse: RTM response structure (`request_id`, `action`,
                         `type`, `success` and `payload` properties)
    if payload is None:
        payload = prepare_payload(locals())
        'action': 'update_thread_properties',
        'payload': payload